Apr 062023

National Weather Service confirms a tornado touched down a few blocks from here. It was puny as such things go… EF-1, winds of 95 miles per hour. But it did raise a ruckus.

Destructive Winds, Very Large Hail & Tornadoes: April 4-5th, 2023

Date 04/04/2023
Time (Local) 09:41 AM – 09:43 AM
EF Rating EF-1
Est. Peak Winds 95 mph
Path Length 1.6 miles
Max Width 150 yards
Injuries/Deaths 0

A brief tornado touched down in Rock Island, Illinois. The tornado knocked over and snapped large trees and produced minor damage to several roofs. Widespread damaging straight line winds up to 90 mph also caused significant damage across the city.


 Posted by at 11:45 pm
Apr 062023

In Colorado Springs:

Former D20 student accused of planning attacks on three campuses

“D20” here is “district 20.” The new trend isn’t “19-year-old tries to shoot up a middle school and some churches.” Guess what it is.

Go on, guess.

Here’s a subtle hint:

William Whitworth who identifies as “Lilly” has been charged with felony criminal attempt to commit murder …

Did you spot it?

That’s right: the mass shooter was arrested *before* the mass shooting.

Nothing else here is noteworthy. Nothing.


 Posted by at 8:41 pm
Apr 052023

As I’ve previously mentioned, something holding back my return to cyanotyping is a sudden lack of availability of the transparent film required. Without that I can’t print off new negatives. Early on in this protracted process I managed to get a few prints from a local print shop; these prints were made at a distant affiliate and shipped in. But later efforts to get more printed not only failed, the local print shop *lied* to me about what was going on. This pissed me off, of course and now they are on my Do Not Do Business With list.

Another local print ship has been attempting for some months to procure a roll of the stuff. I will have to buy the whole roll, hundreds of dollars of it, because there are not other customers. Well, yesterday, just before the storm came in and took out electricity and communications, I received and email letting me know that, at long last, the roll had arrived. Woo! This morning, with the return of electricity and comms, I sent them a followup email asking if they were ready to proceed with printing new cyanotype-transparencies.

Answer: the storm took *them* out, they are still without power, and there were hints that equipment might have been damaged.


Well, at least there’s some measure of forward progress.

 Posted by at 11:11 pm
Apr 052023

Storms took out my power this morning. I drove around and looked at the damage…. it was quite extensive. I figured it would be days before power came back, but it was restored a little while ago. My neighborhood saw little actual damage, but just a block away big trees were yanked out at the roots. The derecho a a few years ago did not do this sort of damage, so I wonder if small tornadoes came through.




 Posted by at 8:14 am
Apr 042023

You Didn’t Finish Watching the Lord of the Rings TV Show

…the premiere of Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power TV series had 25 million global viewers on the day it premiered. That’s quite a lot! But as it turns out, by the time the first season ended, a shocking number of those viewers as had already given up. In a new examination of Amazon Studios, the Hollywood Reporter mentions that only 37 percent of Rings of Power’s U.S. viewers stuck around through the Prime Video series’ eighth episode.

Yes, I’m surprised. I’m surprised that a full 37% stuck around to the end of that garbage show. I imagine most that did did so, like me, out of pure spite. And to see just how disrespectful the writers/showrunners would be to the source material. Answer: All. All the disrespect. Every last bit.

 Posted by at 12:52 pm
Apr 042023

A Russian movie from 2022 seems to have had some good VFX depicting a series of relatively small asteroid impacts shotgun-blasting a city:

On the one hand, you can say that the Russian VFX people are quite good. on the other, you can point out that in 2022, Russians got a lot of practice with exploding cities. Or, rather, Russians got a lot of practice exploding cities.



 Posted by at 5:24 am
Apr 032023

Ever since the early sixties there have been ideas about “inspector” spacecraft that would check out other satellites. This would be done to see just what some foreign satellite actually was…r econ, communications, navigation, weapons platform. But actually doing it has not but done too often… at least, it hasn’t been *shown.* But here are the results of one commercial satellite – the Worldview-3 earth observer – looking at a Landsat from a range of about 100 kilometers. The imagery is remarkably clear.

 Posted by at 11:51 pm
Apr 032023

It’s not confirmed, but it’s possible that AOC, the Dumbest Person In Congress, had a burner account on Twitter that she used to “anonymously” tell the truth about her actual feelings… hatred, death threats, standard Antifa-level rhetoric. “Zaza Demon” blocked some people (which, if this was AOC, is I believe illegal), and then deleted the entire account when found out.

So, the possibilities:

1) This was AOC.

2) This was a delusional leftist who thought he/she was AOC

3) This was a false flag operation by an anti-AOC agent.

Until there is definitive proof, an honest person can’t say for certain. but an honest person can certainly look at the totality of her hate-filled political career and conclude that option #1 makes a *lot* of sense.

Did AOC’s burner Twitter get BUSTED? Could be! And HOOO BOY does it have an archive!


 Posted by at 3:17 pm