Apr 082023

So there I am minding my own business when a text message comes in from my dad. Nothing unusual there. But the message is long, rambling, kinda stream-of-consciousness, seemingly part of a conversation I wasn’t a part of. I have received messages meant for other people before, but the format of the message, and the length of it, were quite unlike my dad’s normal type of messages. So I send him a “WTF” response. A few minutes later, clarification: the phone *listened* to my dad as he held a conversation with someone else, transcribed both sides of the conversation into a single kinda gibberishy paragraph, and then decided to send that transcript to me.

At no point in the process was my dad clued in to this; the phone did it itself.

So… who else gets these transcripts? The NSA? FBI? IRS? The Russians? And as seems most likely, the Chinese?

Something to keep in mind: if your phone, or Alexa, Siri, HAL, or any other modern device *can* hear you, it *does* hear you. And sometimes it does stuff with what it hears.


Now pardon me while I wrap my cell phone in a few layers of tinfoil.

 Posted by at 1:49 pm