Oct 112020

All the polling shows the Harris/Biden ticket well in front. But it certainly seems like all the *enthusiasm* is on Trumps side; Biden rallies seem to be empty parking lots. Granted, Hillary didn’t do much better at getting people interested and she still beat Trump in total number of votes (assuming that the voting was reasonably fair and accurate, something that almost nobody holds out much hope for this time, especially with news stories like this one). If one assumes that all the enthusiasm is on the Trump side, and Harris/Biden wins the election anyway… what will happen? Will Trump voters do like BLMers and Antifa when they don’t get their way? What with Antifa getting bolder with just outright assassinating right wing protestors, one wonders if the election might be the final push over the edge for some since the math doesn’t seem to reflect the reality that a whole lot of people see.

Some day historians will look back on this era and shake their heads, wondering how so many people could have been so stupid as to fall for ChiCom/FSB agitprop and went out into the streets to burn cities down to protest nonsense, thus sparking the civil war that brought the US – and the rest of western civilization – low.

 Posted by at 11:43 pm