Oct 222020

A post yesterday linked to a paper on space warfare. Relevant to that discussion is the concept of hiding spacecraft from detection. Space is obviously dark and the background radiation is cold, about 3 Kelvin. Compared to that, any spacecraft in the inner solar system, even one with no active power sources, is going to be something of a lighthouse in infra-red. Put a nuclear reactor or any kind of meaningful active propulsion system on it, and any spacecraft would stick out like a sore thumb. Stealth should be impossible.

But it is, in fact, possible. it’s hard, it’s limited and its often temporary, but hiding a spacecraft, even one with a functional reactor and running engines, should be possible. There are simply some limits to keep in mind.

In order to hide from radar or lidar, all your spacecraft needs to be is dark and preferably angled int he way we’ve come to understand from stealthy aircraft. This is relatively easy. But the real problem is infra red. Being dark makes your spacecraft both absorb and emit electromagnetic radiation; sunlight falling on a dark spacecraft gets absorbed, stepped down, and emitted back out as infra red. In order to hide your spacecraft, you need to either look like a space rock (probably easy to do, but a space rock that suddenly appears on the charts on a suspicious orbit will likely merit further attention), or you need to be roughly as cold as the background. Actually making your spacecraft 3 Kelvin is insanely unreasonable… but you *can* make a balloon filled with helium that cold. And if you put that dark, cold balloon between your ship and the enemies sensors, you shouldn’t show up

Teledyne got a patent in 1994 for sort of that sort of thing:

Satellite signature suppression shield

The invention here is an inflatable fabric cone that a satellite could hide behind. Coated with something reflective like aluminum or gold, you might think that it would be visible; but for the most part all that shiny reflective surface has to reflect is the black of space. Point the cone at the enemy, and all they’ll see is a dark reflection and if they point lasers or radar at it, the beams will reflect off into space and not back at the receiver. The surface will, however, emit IR, so it’ll be visible that way. But if you fill the balloon with helium *and* if you have an active refrigeration system on the far side, cooling the helium to below 3 Kelvin and directing the waste heat out into space the other way… the cone will be dark *and* cold. So from a narrow cone, your spacecraft will be effectively invisible. From every other angle, though, your spacecraft will be a bright hot target. So… pick your targets. A system like this would probably work well for missiles… only need to operate for a short period, and all they really care about is hiding from the target.

 Posted by at 2:43 am
Oct 222020

I *guess* it’s a bit comforting to know that insanity is world wide, not restricted just to the likes of Portland and Chicago…

Dozens Of Artifacts Apparently Vandalized At Berlin’s Museums

On or about October 3 someone, or several someones, squirted an “oily liquid” onto objects such as ancient Egyptian sarcophagi, 19th century paintings and stone statues. Why? Authorities aren’t sure, but they seem to be linking this weirdness to a German vegan chef conspiracy theorist who believes that the Pergamon Museum is the “throne of Satan” and that Angela Merkel is a Satanist who conducts human sacrifices.

One of the museums was also the site of a theft in 2017 of a gold coin worth $4 million. What made this coin so valuable? because it was *220* pounds of solid gold. The coin has not been recovered… and doubtless never will be. Damn thing was certainly chopped up and melted down about ten minutes after it slipped out the back in someone’s pocket. A photo of this trinket is HERE.

The conspiracy theorist in question is an odd one. He’s a German nationalist who thinks that Bill Gates is trying to use WuFlu to take over and Da Jooooooooz are out to exterminate the German people, but he’s actually ethnically Turkish, adopted by a German family. He was originally an omnivore but became a passionate vegan. Hmmm. I wonder if there were ever any other “German nationalists” who didn’t actually match up to their ideal of German ethnicity and who became vegetarians and went bonkers? Maybe there’s some combination of the German language with veganism, or perhaps being a vegan surrounded by people eating tasty sausage that makes some people go a little “funny.”

 Posted by at 1:01 am
Oct 202020

Two years ago I released US Transport Projects #8 that had a piece on an SST designed by staff of the NACA for Life magazine. To make the best possible diagram I did the best job I could of scanning and stitching together several pages from a vintage issue of Life. I’ve finally gotten around to uploading the full-rez version of that to the APR Dropbox, into the 2020-10 APR Extras folder. This is available to any APR Patron or Subscriber at the $4 level and above.

The full-size version is six times wider than this one:

If this sort of thing is of interest, sign up either for the APR Patreon or the APR Monthly Historical Documents Program. If you know of someone who might be interested, be sure to nudge them this way… I could do with an infusion of new patrons/subscribers and as is blisteringly obvious I stink at marketing.

 Posted by at 10:04 pm
Oct 202020

It’s views like this that make it clear that we have a problem in this country:

The Constitution Is the Crisis

For the author, one Osita Nwanevu, the fact that the Constitution doesn’t give him everything he wants, exactly the way he wants it, is enough for him to stamp his feet and demand that it be done away with:

The American left should work toward abolishing the Constitution someday—either for a new document or a new democratic order without a written constitution.

Uh-huh. He makes it plain that his goal would be court packing and the destruction of the Constitution specifically to make it impossible for the Republican party and conservatives in general not only to hold a majority, but to even *exist.* A nation that sets up a government specifically to lord it over half the population, and decided to unencumber itself with constitutional rules, is a nation on the road to death camps.

If it is given the opportunity, the Democratic Party—without hesitation, guilt, or apology—should pack the Supreme Court to its advantage.

So who is this guy? Frak if I know. Some crank of no real power or importance, quite possibly. But the “New Republic” magazine pays him to trot out his gibberish, and the New Republic is, sadly, not considered far beyond the pale.

 Posted by at 1:44 pm
Oct 192020

Tsunami warning issued following 7.5 magnitude earthquake off Alaska Peninsula

The earthquake triggered a tsunami warning for areas along the Alaska Peninsula coastline, according to the U.S. Tsunami Warning Center.

The warning extended from Kennedy Entrance, 40 miles southwest of Homer, to Unimak Pass, 80 miles northeast of Unalaska.

The warning does not include Cook Inlet or Anchorage, according to the warning center.


 Posted by at 5:01 pm
Oct 192020

A late-70’s NASA rendering of the solar power satellite. Not exactly shown to scale… the satellite, approximately the size of Manhattan, would actually reside in geosynchronous orbit some 22,000 miles up. But the size of the receiving station, located outside of a probably fictitious city (gotta love the H-shaped skyscraper), seems about right. Such stations, which would approximate fields of chickenwire suspended atop telephone poles, could be located over farms, fields, lakes and ponds. The wire would intercept the incoming microwaves beamed down from the SPS with the same efficiency as the wire mesh in the door of your microwave oven keeps your face from getting fried while you watch your popcorn or soup getting nuked.

 Posted by at 4:36 pm
Oct 192020

Philip Anderson, the guy who tried to host a “free speech rally” to protest Big tech censorship and got his teeth beat out by leftists… has been suspended from social media by Big Tech.

Fortunately a GoFundMe has been set up to help him with his medical/dental bills. I would not be surprised if *that* gets yanked as well.

Help Philip Anderson fix his teeth

The leaders of the Proud Boys, slanderously called a “white supremacist” organization, were not impressed by Andersons rally. Not because they disagreed with his point, but because he failed to recognize just how violent and dangerous and flat-out unhinged the modern left is.

 Posted by at 2:32 pm
Oct 192020

This Japanese guy(?) “Nyango Star” plays the drums. And he plays them like a *beast.* But he plays them while wearing this silly mascot costume. Which on the one hand makes the whole thing seem rather silly, but on the other hand it clearly adds a couple extra layers of difficulty. both mobility and vision are compromised with this costume, yet the guy(?) is still able to do things with a drum that even if i had any musical talent or givadam about playing the drums I could never hope to approach.

Nyango Star has a YouTube channel with a dozen videos.

If, like me, you look at all this and go “WTF,” THIS ARTICLE kinda explains the deal.


Stay weird, Japan.

 Posted by at 1:03 pm
Oct 182020

As of yesterday, the diagram count for Book Two surpassed one hundred. The spreadsheet lists a bit short of 160,  but I think it’ll realistically top out at 120-ish. The final product may have notably fewer; many of the designs feature two and even three separate diagrams (for 2 to 3 separate pages), including not only general arrangements but also inboard views, sections, undersides, scrap views and the like. The publisher will decide whether or not to include them all, trading off size vs. cost. But progress, while slower than I’d hoped, is still moving forward.

 Posted by at 11:46 pm