Oct 252020

An artists impression of the “DC-3” Space Shuttle concept. This was a two-stage system using two manned flyback vehicles with straight wings and turbofan engines. It was intended to be a low-cost approach, disdaining high performance for simple design and – theoretically – easy maintenance. The orbiter here had two jet engines in the nose for landing and flyback range extension; aerodynamic fairing would cover the inlets until after re-entry, jettisoned once the vehicles had decelerated to below Mach 1. The straight wings would be easy to build and low in weight compared to large delta wings, but of course they wouldn’t provide the same amount of lift. Consequently, the orbiter would less “glide” during the initial re-entry than “belly flop.”

I’ve uploaded the full-rez version of that to the APR Dropbox, into the 2020-10 APR Extras folder. This is available to any APR Patron or Subscriber at the $4 level and above.

 Posted by at 8:54 pm
Oct 252020

Looking to save some serious money? Here’s a potentially easy way!

Play it right, and you’ll not only save money this Christmas, but every Christmas to come *and* a whole bunch of birthdays.

 Posted by at 8:40 pm
Oct 252020

This video, apparently from Ontario, fills me with bafflement on several levels.

 Posted by at 6:46 pm
Oct 252020


So I haven’t seen any of season 3 of STD. But when they made CBS All Access free for a month a  while back I caught the first two seasons. And those two didn’t make me salivate for more. This little clip doesn’t change that. Not only is the show apparently flat out ugly (there is a place for that sort of thing… that place is “Not Star Trek”), the *characters* are ugly as well. Never mind appearance… just terrible people. And these are the *heroes.*

 Posted by at 5:36 pm
Oct 242020

At last, the US doesn’t seem to suck so bad at the whole “dealing with the Pinko Pox” thing when compared to our European Betters:




(Note for those dense enough to think that 2+2=5 is a valid proposition: this post is less “ha-ha look at them” and more “holy crap, look at that”)

 Posted by at 4:48 pm
Oct 242020

That’s  not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.

Gay male penguins steal lesbian couple’s eggs at Dutch Zoo

A pair of two male African penguins at a Dutch zoo, who made international headlines last year when they stole an egg from a heterosexual couple, have now stolen the nest of a lesbian duo … the gay couple is taking turns sitting on the eggs to keep them warm. But, Drost said, the eggs are likely unfertilized and will not hatch because they were laid by a lesbian penguin couple.

 Posted by at 12:02 am
Oct 232020

Just what does Gropey Joe mean here?

What “interstate transportation” does he mean? Doe he mean that if you drive across state lines you will need to be masked up while alone in your car? Sounds stupid, but it also sounds like the sort of governmental overreach we’ve come to expect.

 Posted by at 11:51 pm
Oct 232020

News article:

How genetic variation gives rise to differences in mathematical ability

Summary: gene sequence ROBO1 is found to be associated with the development of gray matter in the right parietal cortex, which is associated with mathematical performance.

Suggested hypothesis: people who argue that 2+2 does not necessarily equal 4, or that “2+2=4 is an expression of white supremacy or the patriarchy or western imperialism or INSERT DUMBASS IDEOLOGICAL NONSENSE HERE” have ROBO1 gene sequence variabilities that lead to *reduced* formation of that right parietal cortex gray matter. Suggested experiment: do some genetic testing and see.

The question would then  become what to do about it. If it turns out that genetics leads to a difference in mathematical ability *and* differences in political ideologies, will that mean that people will start voting for candidates based on their genetic testing results? Will that mean that science and engineering firms will not be allowed to “discriminate” by not hiring candidates who fail math tests if they have the gene sequence for bad math abilities? Will it mean that math test results will be driven in part based on your genes… this person has to give mathematically correct answers, that one doesn’t, in order to achieve the same grade?

 Posted by at 12:42 pm