Oct 282020

Kate Mulgrew of ‘Star Trek: Voyager’ crashes Captain Janeway statue celebration via Zoom


I guess it looks ok:

So, what do we have here? A celebration of a person who:

1: Celebrated STEM and objective reality such as 2+2=4. This is pure white supremacy.

2: Traveled through and explored regions without the consent of those regions. Colonialism.

3: Wiped out or overthrew several species. Genocide.

4: Spoke English, chose to center old 19th-century European fiction (and 15th century European historical figures) for her recreation, with the local European characters portrayed by and depicted as ethnic Europeans. Erasure!

5: Showed prejudice against certain peoples/races. Racism!

6: Consumed a great deal of coffee without citing and celebrating the fact that it is a product of Arabia. Cultural appropriation!

7: She maintained a conventionally-accepted body mass index. Fat shaming!

Clearly Captain Janeway is problematic.





NOTE: This is sarcasm. Don’t attack this – or any other – statue, ya friggen’ animals.

 Posted by at 3:27 pm