Dec 062020

OK, so a movie I have no interest in had a character make some sort of lame joke/pun about Chinese people, and as a result…

Monster Hunter: World Review Bombed On Steam As Backlash To Movie Grows In China

The “backlash” here involves the movie simply being pulled from distribution in Chinese theaters. This is bad news for the movie, since China is probably the only place it’s going to get a wide theatrical release. It’s supposed to open around Christmas here in the US, but let’s face it, it’ll make about a buck and a half.

So how is this good news for Hollywood? Simple: it’s a valuable object lesson. Do not rely on China. In fact… delete China from your plans altogether. If you can get your flick released there… sure, great. But there has been altogether too much kowtowing to the Chinese government to get a foot in the door of the Chinese market. Now is yet another really good opportunity to Hollywood to finally figure out that China is bad for business, long term.

Here, watch this. It’s a fan film set in the Warhammer 40K universe. I’ve watched it several times and I have no friggen’ clue what’s going on. But I do know it’s impressive as hell to look at… and it was apparently made by *one* *guy.* Sure, it’s short, less than 15 minutes, with almost no dialog and a plot that confuzzles the bejeebers out of me… but IT WAS MADE BY ONE GUY.


Take note, Hollywood. If one guy over a span of a few years can make 15 minutes worth of fully rendered, entirely artificial worlds, then twenty guys can make a full movie in a year. Imagine what you could do with that capability. You could have a movie showing India defeating China in a war for territory. You could show Taiwan triumphant, the Communist flag falling to the ground in Beijing. You could have westerns with heroic cowboys. You could have war movies where the US forces are actually portrayed as the good guys. You could make an actually *good* Star Trek TV series and an actually *good* Star Wars movie trilogy. You wouldn’t even need to be in Hollywood or even California; you could make the movie somewhere *good.* All this would be possible if you simply sought out enthusiastic talent… and told the ChiComs to get bent.



 Posted by at 12:50 am
Dec 042020

So… is Biden pretending to be a senile old coot, setting up the smooth transfer of power to Harris by feigned illness a few short months into his Presidency? Gotta admit it’s a good scam. Biden would have to know he’s really only good for one term – if that – but if he bails  early in that term (EDIT: after January, 2023), Harris gets to serve the rest out. And then she gets to run again in 2024. And *again* in 2028. Meaning she could, in theory, still be President in 2033. A President as devoted to wiping out the Constitution as Harris is could do a lot of damage with three terms.

And then…

 Posted by at 9:57 pm
Dec 032020

Hypocrisy in *my* AOC? It’s more likely than you may think!

I have no problem with what AOC is doing; ya gotta respect the grift, if nothing else. What I do have a problem with is the fact that there are people dumb enough to throw money at her. It’s a sad commentary on how befowled the gene pool and/or education system has become.

 Posted by at 2:43 pm
Dec 032020

Ummm. I don’t know squadoo about these folks, but I have questions.

It seems they have a hangar and a mockup and some pretty graphics. I’m not sure they have a sensible business model. The idea is to launch a small rocket into orbit from underneath a newly-built fighter-sized UAV. Why not just launch from under a surplus fighter-sized fighter?

 Posted by at 11:16 am