Dec 132020

The container vessel ONE Apus recently lost nearly TWO THOUSAND cargo containers due to getting tossed around in a storm. it was transporting Chinese products to California, but redirected to Japan after the incident. I suppose containers will be washing up all around the Pacific rim for years… but if *you* ordered something that came by that boat… don;t bet on ever seeing it. Fortunately, the Chinese probably already have your money, so they’ll be ok.

Storm-beaten ONE Apus berths in Japan

Of the more than 1,800 lost at sea, only 64 have had their contents described… because in their cases the contents were dangerous (batteries, chemicals, fireworks, etc.). Gotta wonder how many of the containers had *humans* in them… some being trafficked, some fleeing the ChiComs, some being sent *by* the ChiComs.

 Posted by at 1:08 pm
Dec 132020

This makes for dismal reading:

How Well-Intentioned White Families Can Perpetuate Racism

The basic thesis here is that well to do families who want the best for their kids, and make efforts to provide for them, are evil and unjust. At least when those families are white, that is. Behold:

Pinsker: What would it look like for a white affluent parent to make a choice not to give their children “the best”? Is it a matter of not calling the school to get the best math teacher? Or is there a more proactive thing a parent might be able to do?

Hagerman: I think part of it is how we choose to define “the best.” Some of the parents in my book, they rejected the idea that their child needed to be in all the AP classes. They valued other elements of their children’s personalities, such as their concerns about ethics or fairness or social justice. There were a handful of parents in my study who resisted having a separate track for AP students, for example, which can sometimes be a segregating force within schools.

Any parent who would prioritize “social justice” indoctrination for their kids over math and history and critical thinking skills needs to consider whether of not they should really be parents. And any parent who would get rid of AP classes because they can “sometimes be a segregating force within schools” needs to have their ass handed to them. Athletics departments are “segregating forces,” because not every kid can hurl the sportsball with equal efficacy. Allowing student to choose their own friends and social circles is a “segregating force.”

And then there’s this summary:

“My overall point is that in this moment when being a good citizen conflicts with being a good parent, I think that most white parents choose to be good parents, when, sometimes at the very least, they should choose to be good citizens. “

The State über alles, citizen!

My god some people are awful. Is it important to do things to help make society, your city, your state, your nation better? Sure. And few if any things could make your nation better than to make your kids be as good as they can be, especially if your kids are on the high end of the bell curve. Is your kid average? Then ramming him or her onto a more aggressive educational track will have minimal benefits. But is he or she particularly intelligent or talented? Then for frak’s sake, do everything in your power to foster that. Actually stymieing the development of those who can actually grow substantially is not only child abuse, it’s damn near treasonous.


 Posted by at 12:24 pm
Dec 122020

I suspect that speeches like this won’t come rolling out of the Biden Administration:

The Secretary of State here lays out the case against China and its deep espionage against the US and the rest of the West. I suspect that Biden, as deeply beholden to Chinese paymasters and blackmailers as he very clearly seems to be, will roll out the red carpet for further Chinese theft of American intellectual property. China, with their successfully installed Manchurian Candidate, will go on liability-free dumping opioids into American addicts, viruses into our blood and lungs, cheap crap into our markets.

I’ve said before that Trump will be remembered for what he failed to do, such as disbanding the ATF. He did not do nearly enough to dislodge the tick that is the Chinese Communist Party. But as tragic as these failures have been, I shudder to imagine the future once Big Tech institutes all the social credit and censorship that the CCP wants and will pay for.

 Posted by at 2:45 pm
Dec 102020

Seems like a *lot*  of interesting movie/series trailers dropped today…


“Andor” and “Loki” almost make me want to pony up for Disney Plus.


And then there’s this second trailer for “Shadow in the Cloud,” which shows a lot more of the gremlins and still doesn’t explain the “Brits on a B-17 in the Pacific” puzzler:



 Posted by at 10:18 pm
Dec 092020

Half of the job of selling me on being interested in this movie was just the title: “Shadow In The Cloud.” It will have some work to do, though… explaining how at least a couple Brits end up on a B-17 fighting the Japanese. Bwuh? I do, though, have the unnerving suspicion that this might turn out to be  like “Sucker Punch” where its all a dream or delusion or some such.


 Posted by at 9:22 pm