Dec 122020

I suspect that speeches like this won’t come rolling out of the Biden Administration:

The Secretary of State here lays out the case against China and its deep espionage against the US and the rest of the West. I suspect that Biden, as deeply beholden to Chinese paymasters and blackmailers as he very clearly seems to be, will roll out the red carpet for further Chinese theft of American intellectual property. China, with their successfully installed Manchurian Candidate, will go on liability-free dumping opioids into American addicts, viruses into our blood and lungs, cheap crap into our markets.

I’ve said before that Trump will be remembered for what he failed to do, such as disbanding the ATF. He did not do nearly enough to dislodge the tick that is the Chinese Communist Party. But as tragic as these failures have been, I shudder to imagine the future once Big Tech institutes all the social credit and censorship that the CCP wants and will pay for.

 Posted by at 2:45 pm