Jan 092021


Parler jumps to No. 1 on App Store after Facebook and Twitter ban Trump

Parler saw approximately 210,000 installs globally on Friday 1/8, up 281% from approximately 55,000 on 1/7, according to data from the analytics service Sensor Tower. “In the U.S., the app saw approximately 182,000 first-time downloads on 1/8, up 355% from about 40,000 installs on 1/7. Since Wednesday, the app has seen approximately 268,000 installs from across U.S. app stores,” a press rep from Sensor Tower wrote in an email.

I have avoided all social media chatterbox applications like the freakin’ plague, so I’m unclear on how a lot of this works. It has been removed from Googles Play Store and will likely soon be removed from Apples app store. Will this make it unavailable to existing Parler users? Or can they still access it through normal web browsers? I dunno. But it seems to me the most likely outcome is that Big Tech will find a way to either stomp Parler out of existence or force it to adopt terms of service that turn it bland, uninteresting and exclusionary, which would just as effectively kill it. I’ve little doubt that Parler can be taken down by big tech by any of a number of means from throttling access to threatening payment processors and banks and the like.

Conservatives, others claim Twitter removed thousands of followers

It *seems* that tens or even hundreds of thousands of conservative Twitter users have vanished. Hard to tell how much of that comes from a mass banning of people on the right by the left-leaning leadership of Twitter, and how much of it comes from right-leaning Twitter users deciding to bail. In either event, Twitter will now become even more of a left-wing echo chamber, continuing to further radicalize its leftist users. Whether there will be an equivalent right-wing echo chamber in terms of scope and permissiveness remains to be seen.


 Posted by at 3:50 pm
Jan 092021

Well, kinda. Turns out that HBO Max will carry Babylon 5 starting January 26. No information is given on what format it will be in, whether the 4:3 aspect ratio that apparently looks best, or the DVD-widescreen version.


Not long ago I wandered over to Amazon Prime Video to watch the series and, lo and behold, it was gone. This is why I prefer physical media… it stays around, while streaming shows come and go.

 Posted by at 2:13 am
Jan 082021

An interesting video of events in D.C. showing people dressed like Antifa and acting like Antifa, doing things that further Antifa’s goals of discrediting and damaging the right. Walk, quack, duck.

I don’t know that these were Antifa infiltrators… but it would be completely unsurprising. If anyone is deserving of getting arrested, it’s the two shown here doing actual damage, and those around them who held back the crowd from stopping them. Find them, arrest them, publicize them.

 Posted by at 5:35 pm
Jan 072021

I communicated with Dennis Jenkins today. “Space Shuttle: Developing an Icon 1972-2013” had one single printing, there will be no more… and that one printing is finally nearly sold out. It is still available at the original retail price of $170. But once it’s sold out, the secondary market will be the only place to get it and the price will skyrocket… it’s already $228 to $448 on abebooks, a single $364 copy on ebay. Hell it might even be a good investment for resale. This three-volume set is a remarkable work and is worth every penny. Make sure to get a copy before the Green New Deal kicks in and it becomes difficult to ship things!


 Posted by at 5:53 pm
Jan 072021

There are some notable improvements, though it’s still well below *actual* 4K quality. I think the live action stuff could be made close enough, but the CGI shots just don’t seem to look as well to me. Fortunately, if the rights holders really wanted to, they could upscale the live action bits and contract with a large number of quite skilled and enthusiastic amateurs to recreate the CGI shots at 4K directly. I imagine the whole series could be remastered at relatively low cost doing it this way. But even then I doubt that the financial math would work.


 Posted by at 4:31 pm
Jan 072021

So for the last 24+ hours I’ve been listening to news outlets such as NPR and the Bbc hyperventilating about the events in Washington. It seems the talking points memos got out, as there has been incessant repetition of phrases like “armed insurrectionists” and “domestic terrorism.” The action of people walking up to and then into a building is inevitably referred to as “storming” the building.

And then today, the pervy corrupt scumbag nice old gentleman who will be the next President said:

what we witnessed yesterday was not dissent, it was not disorder, it was not protest. It was chaos. They weren’t protesters — don’t dare call them protesters. They were a riotous mob of insurrectionists, domestic terrorists.

Now, to be fair Biden *did* actually say something true, though I suspect he didn’t mean it the way reality interprets it:

No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting yesterday, they wouldn’t have been treated very, very differently than the mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol. We all know that’s true, and it is unacceptable. Totally unacceptable. The American people saw it in plain view. And I hope it’s sensitized them to what we have to do.

Yes, the American people saw it. The American people saw the  better part of a year where “Black Lives Matter” protests turned into cities on fire. Government buildings utterly trashed, police cars set ablaze, sizable sections of cities simply ceded to *actual* insurrectionists. The American people saw this chaos being lauded by the press and many in government. We saw the gaslighting on a scale not seen since the Commies and the Nazis.

So what will the American people take from this? Compare and contrast protestors who set cities on fire, who continued their hijinks for weeks and months, and were praised and rewarded for it, with protestors who broke a few windows, wandered around a building for a few *hours,* and THEN LEFT, all without starting *any* fires, and are getting called domestic terrorists by the press and the next President. Cities set on fire by the left are, at worst, attributed to ‘a few bad apples among mostly peaceful protestors.” There is no such attribution of “only a few are bad” for the right wingers actions.

The lesson to learn here is that one side really is allowed to do pretty much whatever they want without a whole lot of official pushback. The other side finds that any protest at all will get them called domestic terrorists by the media and the government. One side is allowed to behave as badly as they like. The other side is being pushed into a corner.

Yeah. This will end well.


At least we’ll get some good memes before the end.

Continue reading »

 Posted by at 3:19 pm
Jan 072021

This one seems pretty well confirmed.

Man Inside Capitol During Riots Has Been Identified As Radical Left-Wing Activist — He Filmed Death Of Trump Supporter

Gotta wonder how many of the agitators were plants.

Less confirmed are situations like this, where someone started trying to break windows… and was then set upon by the other protestors and made to stop. It would certainly be in character for Antifa types to infiltrate a right-wing protest. Not only do they get to carry out the violence that infects their blackened little hearts, they also get to make their political opponents look bad. It’s not like the media is going to make much effort to point out left wingers in the crowd.

 Posted by at 10:05 am
Jan 062021

Ashli Babbitt: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

She was a veteran, a QAnon conspiracy weirdo, and shot in the throat or chest by – reportedly – a plain clothes Capitol police officer not because she was waving a gun around or carrying a karambit, but because she was going through a window.

You can see her get shot at about 0:41 in this video (at least until it gets memory holed):

After a year of being told that arson and murder are just the way change is made, and perfectly acceptable ways for people to express their political views, I remain unconvinced that the government executing someone for trespassing is entirely a good thing. Were the  police working under Castle Doctrine? Is there a duty to retreat in D.C.?


Also: Get ready for a whole lot of this sort of thing:

And let’s see if this stays up:

 Posted by at 10:32 pm
Jan 062021

Oddly enough, this one is nothing about politics.

Sometime in the 1980s, a very young version of me came across a then-current magazine article on the OSS “Bigot,” a modification of the 1911 pistol to fire darts rather than bullets. The point was that this WWII-era weapon would be very quiet compared to the standard 1911 and could be used for taking out sentries and the like. Problem was it apparently didn’t work all that well and a suppressor was a lot more sensible. Still, the vague memory of that magazine article has irritatingly stuck with me for decades. As memory serves it had a number of large, possibly full-scale photos of the hardware. Repeated efforts to find it again have failed. It might have been in something like “Soldier of Fortune” or some similar terribly 80’s sort of magazine. Does this sound at all familiar to anyone?

NOTE: “Forgotten Weapons” video about the Bigot with extra audio awesomeness. Go on, guess what it is…

 Posted by at 9:30 pm