Jan 122021

“Bliss” is a movie, if the trailer can be trusted, that takes place in a world that is apparently essentially a utopia. But people have gotten bored or at least used to the wonderfulness, so “brain box” simulations – essentially the Matrix – are created where life kinda sucks, so people will better appreciate reality.

The idea of a utopia that people dislike makes sense. Look at the world we have no: at no time in history have people had it anywhere near as good. And yet all of 2020 was a litany of bored millenials burning cities to the ground because they thought things were terrible and unjust. They were essentially bored with utopia. Thus it will likely always be.

Of course the problem is, and most likely will come up in the movie, that once you establish that the world you live in and fully accept is a simulation, then you can’t *ever* trust that you’re in the actually really real world.

 Posted by at 1:41 pm