Jan 062021

Remember *all* through 2020, when “mostly peaceful protestors” were allowed to trash business districts and government offices with AT MOST a harsh talking to by the police? Yeah… that’s leftist privilege. If you are a right winger and you want to do something vaguely similar, but with a whole lot less of looting and arson, the police will shot you in the neck.

Woman brought out on stretcher, covered in blood… Shot by DC Police…


“We want to petition our government.” Government response:

Those sure do look like “high capacity magazines” those fellers have. As well:

Not only “high-cap” magazines but a “hell yes we’ll take your AR-15.” The government gets to have those. Not you or me, though. The likes of us will be restricted to clubs and Molotov cocktails, so long as we pass certain ideological tests. “Want to burn down a book store to protest western civilization and Enlightenment values? Go right ahead. Annoyed about voting irregularities? Here, have a flash-bang.”

Yeah, 2021 is gonna be one hell of a year.

 Posted by at 2:35 pm
Jan 062021

David Bowie’s “Heroes” is a song about the triumph of the human spirit. Written in 1977, it is about two lovers separated by the Berlin Wall. Lots of people love this song and are cheered by it:


A lot of singers have covered it. And then… Peter Gabriel released his own version. Same melody, same lyrics, and at least to me it seems utterly flipped into a lament. To me it comes across not “we can be heroes” in the sense that “we have this great potential,” but “we could, but we’re not.” It almost sounds like someone who had the chance to be a hero and failed and is now living with the failure.

I gotta say I find the Gabriel version far, FAR more evocative.

 Posted by at 7:03 am
Jan 052021

The UK’s Royal Mint commissioned an American artist to design a coin to celebrate author H.G. Wells. His design references “The Invisible Man,” “The Time Machine” and “War of the Worlds.” All fine and dandy. Except… ummmmmmmm…………..

Sigh. Really?

Bad enough the artist did this. Worse is that it got this far without being corrected.

 Posted by at 5:50 pm
Jan 052021

Officer who shot Jacob Blake will not face charges, district attorney says

Remember the protests in Kenosha? Well, get ready for Round Two…


Now, in a sane world it would have never gone this far. The police shooting of Jacob Blake was good not just because he was going for a knife… but because, according to all available evidence, HE ALREADY HAD ONE. Someone in the process of kidnapping children while holding a karambit would seem like a bad person and a valid bullet sponge.

Now for all charges to be dropped against Kyle Rittenhouse.

 Posted by at 4:39 pm
Jan 052021

Well, *this* didn’t come to pass either. And in many ways… *good.* The monkeymotions the operator(s) has to go through to get the car into driverless mode would be too much for most people, then or now… and the idea of each car requiring a minute or more of a dedicated ground traffic controllers time is just nuts. A few million cars on the road would require a few hundred thousand controllers, most likely… possibly pushing close to one-to-one around rush hour. And everyone breaking out in song… yeesh. Families that sing together? Yeah, them days is gone, folks.

Something else: “dad” here looks like he’s well past 60, but he has a distinctly teenage daughter. How many families back then actually had Dad having kids so late… past 45, well into his fifties? This trope seems to pop up a *lot.*

Bonus: pre-digested food cooked by infra-red. Ummm… yum?

 Posted by at 4:03 pm
Jan 052021

Los Angeles County ambulance crews told not to transport patients with little chance of survival

“Effective immediately, due to the severe impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on EMS and 9-1-1 Receiving Hospitals, adult patients (18 years of age or older) in blunt traumatic and nontraumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) shall not be transported [if] return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) is not achieved in the field,”

If after 20 minutes of effort the EMS crew cannot get your heart pumping, there you’ll stay. Makes sense, but, yeesh. They are also beginning to ration *oxygen.*And when an ambulance does take you to a hospital in some cases the ambulance waits outside the hospital for *hours* before the patient can be brought in due to the emergency rooms being overloaded. And this means that fewer ambulances are available due to being tied up.

More reasons to avoid California.

 Posted by at 11:02 am
Jan 052021

This is *spectacular.*

A Student Mob Took Over Bryn Mawr. The College Said Thank You

Seems to me, there are a bunch of parents who should be demanding their money back. There are a bunch of students who should be out on their ear, loaded with student debt and without even their useless degrees. And there are a bunch of staffers who should get to explore exciting new opportunities in the food service industry. Sell the college to some other educational concern, one actually interested in *education.* One that will say “We value your opinion” to student agitators, who will calmly take down their names and then calmly escort them off campus.


 Posted by at 1:13 am