Jan 162021

Critical engine test for NASA’s Space Launch System moon rocket shuts down earlier than planned

Starts at about 2:06:58.

This would have been a *fantastic* test… in about 1984. Splice it into “Wonder Woman 1984,” and it would have fit right in. But nearly 40 years later, it just looks like an antique. It’s like firing up an F-104 Starfighter: impressive in its way, but no longer  top of the line.


 Posted by at 5:31 pm
Jan 162021

Well, this is a little odd…

It looks cumbersome (especially fast reloading), probably heavy and definitely nose-heavy… but it also looks entertaining. Fifty rounds of meaningfulness on tap is not to be sneezed at; but if the standard magazine that fits this thing – the same 50-round magazine that fits the P-90 – gets banned for being “high capacity,” then the value of this gun will be strictly limited. MSRP of $995, said to start shipping in March.

I look forward to the concealed carry holster for this.



 Posted by at 2:43 pm
Jan 152021

Seems we’re running headlong into the Crazy Years. What with the very worst people in the last hundred years of US history getting ready to take over the Senate and White House, after having already taken over the House, Media and universities, we’re likely due for some extreme unpleasantness. The incoming administration is promising to turn seventy million or more Americans into overnight felons and the Big Tech companies going overtime into making sure that the conversation is distinctly one-sided, it’s understandable that a lot of people have a lot of things to say. Some of it rather uncomplimentary about those on the totalitarian side of the aisle… and sometimes what people say slips over into expression of threats of violence.

We may have ourselves an honest to Odin civil war on our hands before long. Up until recently I’ve thought that such a thing was the stuff of fever dreams… but here we are. And while a civil war might be inevitable, it would be *bad.* I know there are some deluded fools actually salivating over the prospect, but the only people who would benefit from another American civil war are our enemies. No good will come of it.

So: I invite everyone to refer back to the old blog post “How To Get Banned,” from waaaay back in 2010. The very first way of getting banned? Issuing threats of violence in the comments. Threatening people does no good; all it will do is get the authorities to notice you, and I’m sorry, any government types who are drooling over the opportunity to kick in a million doors and arrest and imprison more people that the Soviet gulag system ever dreamed of will *not* be intimidated by an angry comment. What will happen, though, is that such comments will be used to claim “terms of service” violations for my little website.

Yes, Twitter and Facebook and the like do not seem to give a damn if leftwing extremists, jihadis, ChiComs and other people who wish America ill use their platforms for threats of violence. But Big Tech *does* go after those of us in the counter culture. The hypocrisy is breathtaking, but the fact is that for the moment rational people have to realize that we’re living in a system with different rules for different people.

So… dream up all the fantasies and strategems you like. Plan. Stock up. Prepare. Just… don’t post incitements to violence or criminality here. I will delete those when I see ’em, and start banning those who repeatedly violate. As far as I know, such posts could well be false flags intended to harm the blog and my business. Paranoid? Sure. But these are the times in which we live.

And I am about on my last nerve with the trolls. Feel free to disagree, debate, argue. But those who act the jackass, whose arguments start with insults? Feh.

 Posted by at 6:09 pm
Jan 152021

A year and a bit ago some info came out about the then- forthcoming zero-gravity first person shooter “Boundary.” There have been updates since then, including release of the game. The animation, especially in the trailer, is *fantastic*, included slo-mo scenes of a space-modded AK-47 not only firing but flexing in the way actual guns do. This game was produced by the Chinese, so feel free to auto-fill what that might mean. Buy it, your money goes to Hunter Biden’s paymasters. Play it online, Beijing gets to watch. Is there subtle (or not so subtle) pro-CCP propaganda embedded within it? Who knows. but it looks freakin’ *gorgeous.* The USSF should tear the code apart, strip out the doubtless abundant Chinese naughtiness, rework it into rah-rah pro-USSF propaganda. “Fight the ChiComs in space!” “Defend US space assets from space pirates!” Add in things like Dragon and Starship. For extra awesomeness, a USSF Orion. No, not that overpriced capsule… the *real* Orion.

Almost makes me want to try to get back into Pax Orionis… now *that* might make a dandy video game.





 Posted by at 3:03 pm
Jan 152021

Early yesterday Buttons was ill in a way that made me think that his pancreatitis might be back, so I spent a great deal of time observing him. In the end, it just seemed to be One Of Those Things, and by the end of the day he seemed perfectly normal again.

 Posted by at 12:58 pm
Jan 152021

I’ve long said that what police need more than anything is a truly practical stun-setting phaser. The Taser kinda gets there, but has some limitations such as being single shot, short range and fairly easily defeated. The ability to just hit a “sit your ass down” button and bring a confrontation to a harmless end would be *fantastic* for many encounters. And not just police: it’d be great for home defense as well. But sticking with police, imagine how much less trouble there would be if violent and/or crazed weirdos (such as make a few appearances in the video below) could be simply shut down for a minute or two with minimal risk of harm. It’s people like the guy in the video below that lead to Bad Cops: having to deal with such aggressive, loud, obnoxious and downright evil scumbugs on a daily basis would make *anyone* into a misanthrope in no time flat.

As an alternative to phasers: truly practical “robocops” like “Chappie.” Run by AI with open-source programming that can be downloaded on command (but not uploaded without a complete physical overhaul), given super-human strength, super human ability to not give a damn and super human ability to simply stuff a looney into a crazy bucket, such robots would be *fantastic* backups.

Bonus Round: phasering the CNN crews and left-wing extremists who were leading the “insurrection” would have been handy as well.

BLM activist, Antifa, anarchist or FBI asset? What we know so far about John Sullivan, who was spotted instigating mobs at Capitol Hill

 Posted by at 8:52 am