Jan 172021

I don’t know about embedding videos from “Nitter,” which I’d never heard of until about three minutes ago. But the video in the link below shows the “storming” of the Senate chamber by Buffalo guy and some others. Translation: it shows Buffalo Guy calmly strolling into the Senate chamber while being escorted by a cop who asks the few people already present if they wouldn’t mind leaving. Explain to me how this is dangerous, democracy-threatening criminality, rather than just “huh, the doors open, I wonder what’s in there.”




 Posted by at 7:23 pm
Jan 172021

It doesn’t seem to be functional, but it does seem to have a web host. Baby steps, I suppose. What with Russia trying to stamp out its citizens use of SpaceX’s “Starlink” internet service – thus indicating a fear of not being able to control the internet behing a national firewall – I wonder if something like Starlink might be used by a nearly wholly independent form of the internet that is unthreatened by Big Tech. Of course, that would rely on *SpaceX* not becoming just as bad. Shrug.

 Posted by at 4:36 pm
Jan 172021

This may be an unfortunate time for new firearms developments. Or, who knows, maybe the market will explode and if the new administration overreaches the whole regime of gun control might blow up in their faces and Americans – or whatever the citizenry are called after the dust settles onto a reshaped political landscape – will have their rights recognized. In any event, this device seems to me to be just the sort of thing that the ATF would be all over with *current* regulations; it also seems like the sort of thing that a lot of people would fall all over themselves to get. It’s coolness factor is undeniable; it’s practicality is perhaps questionable.

FDC and FDP: Magpul’s Folding Gun


 Posted by at 2:35 pm
Jan 172021

An eBay seller in Britain is selling, one by one, a series of diagrams of WWII-era aircraft. They all seem to have been produced by the same draftsman, or at least the same publisher, to a common standard. So… who published these? The seller’s prices aren’t too shabby, but he’s sold out of a fair number of them and the cross-Atlantic shipping fee is ridiculously high. Anyone familiar with them? Were they published in a magazine, a book, separately?

 Posted by at 2:07 pm
Jan 172021

An exploded view of the Marquardt ramjet engine that powered the Lockheed D-21B. The engine was derived from the ramjet that powered the Bomarc missile; interestingly, it went from a SAM engine that ran for at most fifteen minutes to a continent-crossing drone engine that ran for an hour and a half. The D-21 program was riddled with failures, but the engine was not a real source of trouble. What did become a minor source of trouble: after the seventeen surviving D-21s were mothballed, the nosecones of the engines had to be specially removed: being made of a thorium alloy, they were slightly radioactive.


 Posted by at 12:30 pm
Jan 162021

There were some nuts at the incident at the Capitol, make no mistake. Anyone who thought it was a good idea to smash windows and doors, for instance. And then there was Buffalo Guy. He’s a Q Anon conspiracy loon. Sadly he’s also a pretty well documented Trump supporter. But his whackadoodlery is *straight* out of the far left; the same people who screech and shriek about “Christians taking over the government” will bend over backwards – and then forwards – to *not* laugh when they hear this sort of nonsense out of a “Person of color.” The same people who thought that Nathan Phillips was a respectable “elder” for banging on his drum and chanting gibberish directly into the ear of a child will mock this guy for having beliefs that are fundamentally no better or worse. Me… I can point and laugh at both. Spout nonsense, get laughed at.

Here’s the thing, though. Buffalo Guy is one Jake Angeli, who has put himself out there as an actor. Is this all an act? Honestly seems more likely than he believes the line of BS he’s running here. But then… people really do believe that sort of thing. His Wikipedia page makes for entertaining and “losing faith in the rationality of mankind” reading.

 Posted by at 7:33 pm