Apr 062021

Huh. Note the tone.

Capitol Suspect Struggled Before Attack, but Motive Remains Unclear

Poor little ragamuffin, he had him some hard times. I do wonder if the same authors cut the Atlanta massage parlor shooter the same slack. Or the Charlotteville car-attack guy.

Yeah, if you have a rough time, you may be due some sympathy. Seems maybe this guy might’ve had a bit of schizophrenia based on his paranoia. But the moment you murder someone, or join up with the likes of the NOIsies… sympathy deleted.

 Posted by at 11:48 am
Apr 052021

Hey, here’s a thought. If you want to drive around in a vehicle that’s not powered by fossil fuels, get something like the “Sentinel DG8 Steam Wagon,” a 1930’s British truck powered by a steam engine. They were originally fueled with coal, but this being the more advanced and progressive 21st century, we could power them with wood. Range was only 30 miles, at which time it would need to load up with water; rather than being a downside, think of this as a positive. It would contribute to making long distance travel slow and inconvenient, thus leading to people learning to just stay put. Rather than traveling freely like citizens, the proles will soon learn their place… and stay there.



 Posted by at 7:36 pm
Apr 052021

OK, granted, I didn’t really have a favorite preacher *before,* but this guy…

He demonstrates the proper method of dealing with officious bullies and government Karens: raise your voice, be more belligerent than they are, intimidate *them* but without becoming actually threatening or physical. Don’t give an inch. Don’t give them the opportunity to speak. Shout them down. Now people need to start doing this whenever the likes of AOC or Beto O’Rourke open their yaps. Since he’s in Canada, I guess he won’t be screaming much at Biden.

I suspect he and I would have theological differences. But I gotta respect his ability to drive away government officials who want to interfere with his right to practice his religion, pandemic or no. If the Worst People In America get their way and ban standard capacity magazines and incredibly common firearms, I have hopes that when government stooges and toadies go knocking on doors to intimidate citizens into enfeebling themselves, this is the response they’ll get.

 Posted by at 3:10 pm
Apr 022021

But probably not terribly practical… looks incredibly fragile and more than a bot wobbly. But it *does* look terribly sci-fi. Now if the little floating glowing dots could be made to hover in space like that but without an actual physical support – as is often shown in “holographic” displays in sci-fi movies – then we’re finally have an explanation as to how Starfleet personel can accurately aim their sight-less phasers: they have holographic sights that are only visible within a restricted field of view.

 Posted by at 7:09 pm
Apr 022021

The media is having a hell of a time. A little while ago they caught themselves a gold mine when a white guy shot up some Asian massage parlors… *clearly,* white supremacy, white privilege, white racism, all that. Then it seemed to come out that he was a sex addict, not a racist. OK, then a white supremacist shot up a grocery store on Boulder, Colorado… then it turns out he’s a Syrian Islamist import. Drat.

OK, then another white supremacist with an Assault Rifle 15 With A Shoulder Thing That Goes Up did a mass shooting in Orange County… whoops, his name is Aminadab Gaxiola Gonzalez and he used a pistol. Then Asians are getting beat up all across the country… by people who tend to be not at all MAGA types. Then today… oh, boy! A Q-Anon Trumpist White Supremacist attacked the Capitol in D.C. with a car and a knife. Clearly this was the Second Coming of the January 6 Armed Insurrection!


Noah Green, a former college football player and Nation of Islam adherent, was named as the knife-wielding, now-deceased suspect who rammed a car into a U.S. Capitol barricade, exiting with a knife and killing one Capitol police officer while injuring another.

The narrative-mongers are having a hell of a time. Now is the time to strike with the gun grabs and rights-deletions; every notable crime must be promoted 24-7 in order to gin up fear of evil black guns and evil white people. But the crimes keep not fitting the storyline. That has *got* to be annoying as hell.


 Posted by at 6:54 pm