Apr 122021

The Chrysler Turbine Car sounds a little different from your average automobile, due to having a turboshaft engine.

Jay Leno owns one and did a piece on it about a decade ago. He makes a good and rather depressing point: in 1964 when Chrysler made over a hundred of these, much of the rest of the world barely had internal combustion engined automobiles, while Americans were tooling around in jet cars. The US was “The Jetsons,” while much of the rest of the world was “The Flintstones.” And while it not a bad thing that in the nearly sixty years since the rest of the world has advanced, what *is* bad is that the United States has, in many ways, gone *backwards.* Americans should today be getting around not just in jet cars, but jet cars getting 50 miles per gallon on the highway… and probably 30 miles per gallon *in* *the* *air* as they drive or fly to the spaceport to cat the 12:15 to Space Station V.  Instead, we got The Great Society, Facebook and Twitter.

 Posted by at 1:25 pm