Apr 092021

Recently I’ve noticed a lot of people on both sides both “correcting art” and getting upset about “correcting art.” Example: someone illustrates a comic book or anime female character. Said character has, shall we say, exaggerated proportions. Or the skin tone doesn’t quite match the canon or what other people think it should be. So sometimes the critics “fix” or “correct” the art, changing skin tones and proportions and sometimes even genders in order to make the critics happy. Sometimes “woke” art is “corrected” by making masculine female characters look feminine, or make emasculated male characters look like actual men. And then “fixing” the art is suddenly “wrong.” It’s hard to keep up.

Me… you do your art however the frak you want. I only might become annoyed at crappy art if The Powers That Be decide that your crappy re-imagining of the quality original is declared the new canon. I’m looking at YOU, JJTrek and STD. But amateurs? go for it. And thus… someone has fixed the “hyperspace ramming” scene in the execrable “The Last Jedi,” and it looks pretty awesome.

And because why not, an oldie but a goody:

 Posted by at 8:47 pm