May 242021

The British Interplanetary Society famously proposed manned missions to the moon both before and after World War II. These designs would *not* have worked, but that’s not the point. The “Collier’s” series space program vehicles would not have worked either, but they all served the purpose of showing that the physics supported the notion of manned space flight, that it *could* and *should* be done. And anythign that actually happens had to start somewhere.

 Posted by at 3:52 pm
May 242021

Mortons has posted a preview “sampler” of my “Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird” bookazine. You can take a look and see if it’s for you.

It is available directly through the publisher for £8.99 (Approx $12.41 or €10.34). It is also available through Amazon for pre-order for $12.99. Direct from the publisher should be available sooner; from Amazon, lower mailing cost if you’re in the US.

 Posted by at 11:04 am
May 222021

If you want something warm and fluffy to cuddle with, a cat can be a good choice (depending, of course, on the cat). And if you want a cat, there is no substitute for an actual cat. So this… thing confuses me to no end.

You’re Supposed to Be Comforted by This Faceless Robotic Vibrating Cat, Not Horrified

Cats are not hard to come by. The world is full to overflowing with shelters and pounds with unwanted cats that can be had for a few bucks, or a donation, or for the asking. So… why an expensive robotic Martian flatcat/tribble hybrid?

 Posted by at 3:15 pm
May 202021

China builds infrastructure crappy from the get-go. the US builds good infrastructure but allows it to turn to crap because our “leaders” decide that “infrastructure” means plopping apartments into areas zoned for single-family houses because they’d rather people were packed into high density dependency than anything resembling independence. Example:

Kayaker’s photos show crack in closed I-40 bridge in 2016

A crack? Well that sounds a little worrying. A crack can be anything from cosmetic to potentially damaging. Let’s hope that it’s not too…



 Posted by at 8:55 pm