May 202021

Mortons has announced my “bookazine” Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird – Origins & Evolution, now available for pre-order. This is my first published book. Woo! It covers the development of the SR-71 from well before the program started , including the “Suntan” concepts and several Convair high speed reconnaissance platforms, up through the development of the “Archangel” series that led to the CIA’s A-12, through the Mach 3 interceptor designs and the SR-71 itself. From there it also includes a number of proposed derivatives and unbuilt concepts… an A-12 used to launch satellites, the SR-71 as a carrier for a manned hypersonic scramjet vehicle, the use of the “SR-71C” as a flying wind tunnel, etc.

It is available directly through the publisher for £8.99 (Approx $12.41 or €10.34). It is also available through Amazon for pre-order for $12.99. Direct from the publisher should be available sooner; from Amazon, lower mailing cost if you’re in the US.

Here are some shots of a few pages to give you an idea of what’s in it. I created all the diagrams within, based on official sources and as accurate as I could make them. There are many, MANY diagrams here describing designs mundane and downright wacky, from tiny unmanned drones to truly gigantic hydrogen-fueled monsters.


Tell your friends!


 Posted by at 10:54 am
May 192021

Chinese Skyscraper That Wobbled Prompts U.S. to Issue Warning

People flee in panic as skyscraper wobbles in China, despite no earthquake and fine weather

Communist Chinese engineering: Not even once.

Communist Chinese medicine: Not even once.

Communist Chinese pet food: Not even once.

Communist Chinese funded political candidates: Not even once.

 Posted by at 11:20 am
May 182021

At one point one of the thieves comes at the witness with a lit blowtorch. I’m pretty sure that in any civilized area this would be seen as adequate cause for the witness to pop a cap in his ass… but this is not only California but the Sacramento area. No right to defense of self or property should  be assumed there. Still… if the witness had, say, a can of hair spray and hosed down the thief, just so happening to blow the spray past that lit flame, one wonders what might have resulted, both from a rapid oxidation and a legal standpoint.

 Posted by at 4:34 pm
May 182021

More footage from that South African “cash in transit” attempted heist:


If you want to draw paralleled between this sort of thing and a hypothetical “defund the police/don’t charge the Antifa domestic terrorists” future… hey, knock yourself out.






 Posted by at 9:20 am
May 182021

Supreme Court sides with man who said police illegally seized firearms from his home without a warrant

In short, the guy used sarcasm and as a result the cops tossed him into a looney bin, ransacked his house and took his property… in this case, firearms. The Supreme Court decided that going into a home to seize firearms without a warrant violates the 4th Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure. What’s really interesting is that the ruling was unanimous, both conservative and liberal judges agreeing. Whether this sort of thing will reign in some future law regarding the appropriation of firearms and magazines (the “mandatory buybucks” of modern sporting rifles and standard capacity magazines that the current crop of totalitarian dimwits support) remains to be seen, but it’s a useful start.

 Posted by at 12:47 am