May 282021
[ shahd-n-froi-duh ]


satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else’s misfortune.

Atlanta councilman Antonio Brown, who voted to defund police, has car stolen

An Atlanta mayoral candidate who voted to sequester $73 million from the city’s police department budget reportedly had his car stolen by a group of young thieves this week — and wound up thanking the cops for their help.

But wait! There’s More!

Brown — who is under indictment on several federal fraud charges related to alleged incidents that occurred years before he took city council office in 2019 — launched his mayoral run on the platform of “reimagining” public safety and policing in Atlanta

Who better for crime to happen to?

 Posted by at 10:33 am
May 272021


Graffiti Artists Defaced Soviet-Era Buran Space Shuttle At Russian Space Center


There are always people who want to trash things just because they can. Seriously: if the Air and Space Museum was left unguarded for ten minutes, do you think that the Wright Flyer would somehow escape being splashed with BLM, Antifa or gang crap? Or just simply burned to ashes?

The gene pool needs a good cleaning.

Buran was an ill-conceived notion. A bad copy of the US Space Shuttle, somehow made *worse:* it was a pointless reusable payload shroud, it didn’t even bring the main engines back. Still… leaving such things to be turned to garbage by collapsing buildings and garbage humans is just insane.

 Posted by at 1:47 pm
May 262021

Military recruitment commercials, on one hand, say nothing about the actual capabilities of the militaries in question. On the other hand, they give insight into the mindsets of those who approved those commercials.  And thus, we have a bit of a problem in the US:


Wars are won in the will. Seems we don’t have the will. When Japan tried to take Hawaii from us, we opened up a can of nuclear whoopass on them, unleashing weapons the like of which had never been seen on this Earth. In a few years when China tries the same thing, will the US under President Harris just slink away and congratulate ourselves for our sensitivity?

 Posted by at 6:04 pm
May 252021

The case for requiring gun licenses

Where Vox argues that a Constitutionally protected *right* should require a license. They argue that “licensing works.” Because… sure. Illinois, for example, has the FOID card system, where you need to have an expensive license to buy a gun. And to buy ammo. And to *hold* a gun. And if there;s anywhere that you think of when you think “boy, gun control sure makes people safe,” it’s Chicago.

Do you have a blogging license, citizen? Consider carefully before posting a comment without checking with your local sheriff.

 Posted by at 10:35 pm
May 252021

Amazon spent half a billion dollars getting the right to and producing a Tolkein series. And as more information creeps out about it, the more it seems likely to be a mess. I’d *love* to see a fantastic series set in Numenor, with the designs of props, locations and character true to the source *and* coherent with the Peter Jackson films. I’d *love* to see a series set in Numenor that has intriguing characters and good plots. But it’s starting to look like what we’ll actually get is woke nonsense skewed towards raking in that sweet, sweet Chinese money. If that is indeed what happens… I hope that Amazon loses money on a vast unprecedented scale.

Just Some Guy rips some of the recent nonsense about trying to mangle what Tolkein clearly described.

 Posted by at 9:45 pm
May 242021

From the color-value reversed Stormfront:

It Turns Out, All Those ‘Woke’ White Allies Were Lying

Right off the bat, consider that they seem surprised that “woke” anybody turned out to be shallow performative causeheads. The rest of us have known that for *decades.* But their real problem is this:

Recent polling numbers show that the support for Black Lives Matter has severely declined. …  However, white people’s support has declined to levels lower than they were a year ago.

The author seems to believe that the cause of a decline in trust in the BLM movement is that white people are inherently evil. Allow me to retort:

 Posted by at 7:42 pm