Jul 062021

I’ve contacted the publisher and will get a supply of bookazines to be signed. However, since they’re being shipped from Europe, the costs are a bit high so I’ll have to charge a few bucks more than the basic cover price for them. In order to make it worthwhile for those who get them, I plan on including an extra or two. Currently planning on something like an 18X24 print or two of diagrams from the book, scaled up and tinkered with, also numbered and signed. It will be a while before the books get here, so I’ve some time to get the prints just right. And given that a box of books could get wedged into the Suez Canal or redirected into the Bermuda Triangle or impaled on some rebar, I won’t take orders until they are on hand.

I had a local print shop print up nine separate sheets… 2 SR-71A, 1 YF-12A, 1 M21/D21, 1 XF-103, 2 XF-108, 1 A-12, 1 CL-400 Suntan. I also printed up a test sheet with four copies of the same bit of an SR-71, but with the line weights and colors adjusted (I should’ve done that first. Ooops.). Along with adjusting the weights/colors, there will be improvements to the diagrams themselves, additional details and information added. The blue in the windows will be dispensed with… that tiny bit of color triples the cost. Most likely the “bonus” will be one or two sheets of the SR-71A, but if there is enough interest in the others, I’ll figure it out. The prints will also be numbered and signed, and will only be available along with the signed books. They will also be shipped fabulously folded into quarters (as seen in the “lineweight test print” in the photos below) in order to ship with the books.

Please note industry standard feline scale reference.

If you want on the list of people interested in ordering a signed copy when the time comes, send me an email:

It is available directly through the publisher for £8.99 (Approx $12.41 or €10.34). It is also available through Amazon for pre-order for $12.99. Or it will be available through me for a little more, in a little while.

 Posted by at 9:49 pm
Jul 062021

Biden has famously said that he wants to strip Americans of their semi-automatic rifles. And yet… his administration just gave the Taliban a bunch of mortars, missiles and fully automatic weapons.


‘No compromises’ Terrifying footage shows Taliban with brand new US weapons and vehicles

Alternative explanation: Biden, rather than being a senile old fool, is actually a secret strategic genius. With the US fleeing Afghanistan, it’s a safe bet that China may try to move in. Pre-arm the local nuts to make things hell for the “People’s” army that will soon arrive.

 Posted by at 3:49 am
Jul 042021

One “Meredith Bull” takes videos of unhappy cats, extracts the audio and turns them into some pretty catchy tunes.

And the masterpiece:

Then take that last one and blow it up to a full music video…

Someone else took the original “don’t touch me” cat video and did his own thing with it:

And then other people joined in, and I gotta say, it’s actually pretty damned impressive. Certainly better than the bulk of what I hear on the radio; compare the skill and talent involved here to anything spewed out by Cardi B and the like:



 Posted by at 8:24 pm
Jul 042021

Back when NASA dreamed big (the early 1960’s), there were many ideas for how to make really, REALLY big space launch systems. Solid rocket motors had a place at the time serving as either the first stage, or strap-on boosters for the first stage, for Saturn-class boosters. Most solid rocket production facilities are far from Cape Canaveral, so getting rockets from the manufacturer to the launch site could be a problem. Due to rail line restrictions, a case diameter of 156 inches was the limit: anything bigger wouldn’t fit through existing tunnels. But Aerojet and other companies had ideas for even bigger solids… I’ve seen drawings for boosters up to 396 inches in diameter, though 260 inches seems to be the largest given serious engineering.

In order to conveniently manufacture and transport these giants, Aerojet set up a manufacturing plant and static test site in Florida. Aerojet built several half-length versions of the 260-inch-diameter boosters, dug a hole in the ground, upended the rockets and fired them towards the center of the Earth, with the results being a small earthquake, a gigantic brown plume of solid rocket exhaust shooting into the sky and no production contract. The first test firing was in September, 1966, by which time NASA’s horizons had contracted substantially.

Solid rockets as an economical way to get to space, especially as a way to launch humans, is a technology whose day has passed. As military technology they remain as valid as ever; unlike liquid rockets, you can stuff a solid rocket into a silo and somewhat ignore it for years and then launch it on a moments notice. Having ICBM-sized boosters stocked up and stored away ready to launch a fleet of replacement GPS, communication and spy satellites when the Chinese swat our current fleet from the sky makes a lot of sense… but using solids to launch missions to the Moon or Mars is now a rather silly notion.



The full rez scan of the photo (and 4 others) has been made available at 300 DPI to all $4/month patrons/subscribers in the 2021-07 APR Extras folder at Dropbox. If you would like to help fund the acquisition and preservation of such things, along with getting high quality scans for yourself, please consider signing on either for the APR Patreon or the APR Monthly Historical Documents Program.

 Posted by at 1:37 pm
Jul 032021

Lovecraft Country Not Renewed for a Second Season at HBO Max

I wonder why the show didn’t catch on like wildfire?

Perhaps one day there’ll be a Lovecraft-based TV series that actually understands Lovecraftian horror.

 Posted by at 10:13 pm
Jul 032021

I had already heard about this news story before I heard it described on NPR today. Specifically, the tale of a militia that starts at about 1:38 in the recording below:

The story describes them as a “heavily armed militia…” and no further. This leaves the listener to make assumptions. And given that this is NPR, a normal listener will probably assume that these are Dangerous MAGA Folk.

And then there’s the CNN coverage:

Massachusetts police standoff with heavily armed men ends in 11 arrests

This story *also* does not describe the “militia members,” or name the militia organization they belong to. They show no photos of those arrested. There are quotes from a MA state police spokesman where he says that the group is vocal online about their ideology, but doesn’t say what that ideology actually is. So once again, the reader is left to make assumptions. And given that this is CNN that has screeched to high Asgard about the dangerous insurgents who almost managed to topple American democracy without F-15s and nuclear weapons, the readers are doubtless meant to make a certain sort of assumption.



The video coverage available on the CNN page does make one tiny slipup. The coverage does not show video or photos of those arrested, nor does it describe the militias ideology. But the woman being interviewed manages to slip in the *name* of the group, though she gets it wrong. She calls it the “Moorish American Army,” but it seems their name is “Rise of the Moors.”


Other sites actually bothered to dig a little deeper:

Heavily Armed Militia Group Shut Down Massachusetts Highway in Bizarre Standoff

“Rise of the Moors” are one of those whackadoodle “Sovereign Citizen” groups. in this case, they are black supremacists who somehow think that they are immune to the laws of the United States, that the Moors got to America before Columbus and that that, somehow, exempts them from the law. The Moors, of course, were what medieval Europeans called North African Muslims… Berbers and Arabs and the like, not sub-Saharan Africans. So these folks are cultural appropriators if there ever were any, and they’re using that cultural appropriation to try to skirt the law. These are the folks who squat in abandoned (or just temporarily unoccupied) buildings and claim them for their own. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center has pointed out that these people are not exactly on the beam. They originated in the early 20th century from Yet Another Group Of Nuts who thought that their ancient ancestors were the Real First Americans.

What were they doing to get themselves arrested? They were traveling from Rhode Island to Maine (or back) to do paramilitary training and pulled over at the side of the road to refuel a vehicle. They carried spare fuel in onboard containers because they didn’t want to stop at gas stations in order to avoid raising suspicions…. which is weird, because they ended up pulling over on the side of the road in Massachusetts to do this while carrying long guns slung over their shoulders. Me, I’m cool with people open carrying… but Massachusetts isn’t. A cop saw a bunch of people at the side of the road in tactical gear (what do you want to bet they got it from Wish) with guns galore, so he pulled over to say “howdy” at which point a bunch of ’em scattered into the woods. This is *exactly* what you do if you want the fuzz to descend upon you en masse. These are not exactly the brightest bulbs in the box: racist, willfully ignorant of history and the law, cultish and just plain idiotic.

You’d think at least some of these details would be worth mentioning on NPR or CNN. I guess that goes against The Narrative, however.


 Posted by at 3:10 pm
Jul 032021

This is… huh.

Smallest, densest white dwarf ever discovered packs the sun’s mass into a moon-size stellar corpse

ZTF J1901+1458 is  about 130 light years away, has a diameter of only 2,670 miles and a mass of 1.35 times the sun. This is the most massive white dwarf so far discovered; the mass actually compresses it down to a smaller diameter than lower mass white dwarfs. As it cools (its current surface temperature is about 46,000 kelvin), it will compress further and either detonate as a Type Ia supernova or settle down into a neutron star.


 Posted by at 1:38 am
Jul 022021

On January 6 of this year, Capitol Hill protestor Ashli Babbit – who apparently posed a threat to the US government despite being armed with neither an F-15 nor a nuclear weapon – was shot dead. The shooter has remained anonymous in the larger media, but was apparently made public back in April:

Capitol Cop Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt Identified

The cop in question is quite a piece of work. For instance:

You can see him in the background. A blurry closeup:

Note how he is pointing his pistol at staffers and security folk. Notice how he also has his finger on the trigger. Both of these are Very Bad Things.

But wait! There’s more! From 2019, there was this news article about apparently the same guy:

US Capitol police officer walks out of bathroom without his pistol – and now is under review, report says

Four people died that day. Two from natural causes, one from an accident, and one was summarily executed. No charges will be brought against the executioner… but I can see lawsuits galore.

Bonus round: imagine the exact same events, but place this back when leftists tried to storm the Supreme Court to overturn the law of the land during the Kavenaugh hearings. And then reverse the color values. How big of a story would it be *then*?

 Posted by at 2:33 pm