Jul 112021

They say they’re going to fly passengers to space today. Livestream:

UPDATE 1: Stephen Colbert is hosting. It’s cringe. *Really* cringe. Oh-God-Make-It-Stop cringe. But the aircraft seems to be in flight anyway…

UPDATE 2: Successful launch, they’ve reached apogee. The rather chipper talking head is not as cringeworthy as Colbert, but she’s still cringey in a “Dear Leader” sort of way.

UPDATE 3: Landed safely. This would be the best space story of the year… if this was 2015 or so. As it is, “SpaceX launches it’s bajillionth re-flight of a Falcon 9 booster” or “SpaceX sends yet more people to the ISS” kinda has “a few people got a few minutes of microgravity” beat.

 Posted by at 9:45 am