Jul 132021


Jan. 6 riot suspect ‘fully constructed’ Capitol Lego model

The FBI seized a fully constructed Lego set of the U.S. Capitol and a notebook with local militia information in it from an alleged January 6 rioter, a court document revealed. Robert Morss, of Glenshaw, Pennsylvania was arrested by FBI-Pittsburgh on federal charges after investigators identified him from various photos and videos taken during the riot. On June 16, he was indicted on nine charges tied to the deadly insurrection.

So this guy had a Lego model of the Capitol. Which is… what?  Lego models are not exactly what you’d call “detailed and accurate.” And as for “deadly,” the only person to die due to violent actions that day was killed by a Capitol guard shooting her in the neck.

But wait! There’s more!

Capitol Lego set seized from rioter still in box, not assembled

The US Capitol Lego set that federal authorities claimed to have recovered from an alleged rioter “fully constructed” was actually not assembled at all, according to new court papers.

Well, that changes *everything.*

 Posted by at 1:04 am