Mar 012022

No need to declare captured Russian tanks, other equipment of invaders as income – NAPC

Ukraine’s National Agency for the Protection against Corruption (NAPC) has declared that captured Russian tanks and other equipment are not subject to declaration.

“Have you captured a Russian tank or armored personnel carrier and are worried about how to declare it? Keep calm and continue to defend the Motherland! There is no need to declare the captured Russian tanks and other equipment, because the cost of this … does not exceed 100 living wages (UAH 248,100),” NAPC’s press service said.

Also, there is no need in this case to submit reports of significant changes in property status within 10 days.

“Speaking by the letter of the law, combat trophies are not subject to reflection in the declaration for the following reasons: they were acquired not as a result of the conclusion of any type of transaction, but in connection with the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation on February 24, 2022 against the independent and sovereign Ukrainian state as a continuation the insidious attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine launched in 2014.

Cool. The United States needs to enact similar policies: anything you take from burglars, home invaders, trespassers, illegal aliens, etc. is yours, free and clear, no taxes.

 Posted by at 11:45 pm
Mar 012022

In Putins quest to save the Ukrainians from Nazis, the Russian military successfully bombed an “Epicentr K” store in Chernihiv, Ukraine, which is apparently the equivalent of a Lowes or a Home Depot (which means there are probably a gaggle of dubiously-legal immigrants lurking around waiting to get picked up for some day labor). So be proud, Putin-bots! Your Great Hero is proving just how valid his invasion is.

Russian attack of Ukrainian home-improvement store seen in satellite image


 Posted by at 11:18 pm
Mar 012022

2 monster black holes are headed toward a collision that will rock the fabric of space-time

The two black holes are designated PKS 2131-021 are spiraling towards each other. PKS 2131-021 is a “blazar,” a major source of a relativistic jet. The average distance between the two is about 50 times the distance from the Sun to Pluto… but the combined mass of billions of times that of the Sun means that the orbital period is about two years. When the two coalesce into a single black hole, the gravitational waves will resound across the universe. Should be a hell of a show.

Two problems:

1) This will happen in about 10,000 years.

2) It’s about 9 billion light years away.


 Posted by at 11:08 pm
Mar 012022

An interesting video about the Javelin anti-tank missile currently being used, apparently with some success, to relieve Russia of some of their excess armor:

The Javelin is, unlike an RPG, a guided and fairly long-range missile. It has a two stage motor, with an initial fast-acting booster that tosses the missile out of the launcher without sending a blast into the face of the guy who pulled the trigger. This has the result of making every launch look, for a split second, like a failed launch; the thing just sorta lobs out of the tube, starts to fall to the ground… then ignites the motor and launches itself into the sky.

Here’s a video from before the invasion that describes the missile in some depth:


Apparently they’re fun to dance with:

 Posted by at 7:30 pm
Mar 012022

When a racist who advocates for the enslavement of other races and the destruction of her own society is grievously and permanently wounded by one of “her own people,” how should other people feel about it? Especially when “her own people” refuse to help the police investigate the attack, leading to those who did it getting off scot-free? Before you answer… consider an alternate case where a Klansman or a neo-Nazi gets almost-whacked by one of their fellows. Who would be too upset about that?

Charges dropped against suspects accused of shooting British BLM leader after witnesses refuse to cooperate

As a reminder, this is who she was and what she advocated for:

The linked article starts off with a photo of her in her hospital bed. I’m no brainologist but I can say with some fair certainty that her days of rabble-rousing have definitely come to a serious slowdown.

Moral of the story: get your priorities straight. Shrieking about a kind of violence so rare that it makes international news when it happens, when get capped in the head by your own associates is an everyday possibility, seems an unwise expenditure of effort.


 Posted by at 7:12 pm
Feb 282022

The moment someone says that line, you can expect nothing good to follow. This now *former* Republican candidate for Congress demonstrates this magnificently. There are a lot of uncomplimentary words that can be used to describe this guy; the two that sprang immediately to my mind end with “-canoe” and “-nozzle.”

This level of jackassery ended this schmucks political ambitions… as well it should. Unfortunately, the same level of jackassery is permitted among those much higher up.

 Posted by at 7:32 pm
Feb 282022

A few diverse subjects:

A vapor cone forming around an F-35 at an air show last year. It’s an impressive shot (that I can’t seem to embed in the blog post… just click on it, it’s worth a few seconds). It would be unfortunate if the F-35 gets its combat debut in the skies over Ukraine… and then Belarus… and then Moscow…

In other news, non-Ukrainians are lining up to go there and kick Putin’s ass:

And sooner or later, appearing in Ukraine – hopefully – will be the defiant FU defenders of “Snake Island:”

The defiant soldiers of Snake Island are actually ‘alive and well,’ says Ukraine’s navy



 Posted by at 6:13 pm