Mar 032022

“Ukraine is a country…”

One can argue whether VP Harris is a moron or not. But it’s pretty clear that she thinks that the people listening to her are at the very least monstrously ignorant. Of course, the possibility exists that she may be right: the interviewers seem thrilled to have her, and thus the listeners stand a fair chance of being like-minded; to be thrilled to be graced with the presence or “wisdom” of anyone from this Administration would be indicative of ignorance at the very least.


The full interview, if you want to subject yourself to it:

 Posted by at 12:06 pm
Mar 032022

The war in Ukraine is now affecting cats. The much-feared Fédération Internationale Féline has issued a proclamation:

The Board of FIFe feels it cannot just witness these atrocities and do nothing, so it decided that as of 01.03.2022:
● No cat bred in Russia may be imported and registered in any FIFe pedigree book outside Russia, regardless of, which organization issued its pedigree.
● No cat belonging to exhibitors living in Russia may be entered at any FIFe show outside Russia, regardless of, which organization these exhibitors hold their membership in.

Well. Putin has no choice now but unconditional surrender.

 Posted by at 1:32 am
Mar 022022

Based on the timing, seems like they were about 1.7 miles from the second detonation. That kind of light from that far away probably indicates a pretty sporty explosion… thermobaric bomb of great magnitude, or a hit on an ammo dump. One person suggests the first explosion was nuclear; I would *guess* that the yellow-orange nature of the flash would argue almost immediately for a chemical explosion. A nuclear one – at least one measured in the kiloton range and beyond – should be white, perhaps blue-tinged, like a welding arc. If you see *that* kind of flash light up the sky… well, go perpendicular to the wind, then turn into the wind and get out of the fallout zone.

Continue reading »

 Posted by at 11:42 pm
Mar 022022

Finally, we know production costs for SLS and Orion, and they’re wild

…the operational costs alone for a single Artemis launch—for just the rocket, Orion spacecraft, and ground systems—will total $4.1 billion.

…$2.2 billion to build a single SLS rocket, $568 million for ground systems, $1 billion for an Orion spacecraft, and $300 million to the European Space Agency for Orion’s Service Module.

…NASA will spend $93 billion from 2012 to 2025 on the Artemis program.

Gosh, If Only there was some alternative launch vehicle program that we could turn to that could potentially launch at a rate higher than once a year and at vastly lower cost…

 Posted by at 7:41 pm
Mar 022022

I got the gigantic EA-6B diagram scanned. This was done without chopping up the original paper; but the end result is a nearly two gigabyte file. Manipulating it was a challenge, requiring sometimes five or more minutes to carry out a single command, but:

1)I was able to chop it up into three half-scale sections

2) I was able to scale down the whole thing to a single 48% scale version that I was able to convert to grayscale and clean up. I present a vastly smallerized version of the original color scan and the grayscale cleaned version, together with a full-scale crop of the refueling probe from the ~48% version. The intent here is to include a half-scale version in a future APR Patreon/Subscription rewards voting-catalog. The two-gig full rez? Not quite sure what to do about that yet. i will probably attempt to convert it to grayscale and clean it up for archival purposes, but at nearly 60,000 pixels wide, it’s just simply *huge.*

If you would like to help fund the acquisition and preservation of such things, along with getting high quality scans for yourself, please consider signing on either for the APR Patreon or the APR Monthly Historical Documents Program.


 Posted by at 12:54 am