Mar 042022

Russia Drafts Plans For Public Executions In Captured Cities: REPORT

Russia devised plans to stage public executions in cities its forces conquer as a way to cut down the morale of Ukrainians, a European intelligence official told Bloomberg.

The idea apparently is to use these executions as a way to dissuade Ukrainians from carry out an insurgency. The evidence for this claim is – as is traditional at this point – shaky to the point of non-existence, but it’s not like there isn’t historical precedent. This tactic has been used by conquerors since basically the invention of conquest. Probably the most famous practitioners of it are, of course, the Nazis… once again demonstrating that those who scream the loudest that they are fighting Nazis or are anti-fascist are the most likely to actually emulate the Nazis.

So far Ukrainians can still largely communicate with the outside world, and they have a bagrillion cameras… so if these executions actually happen, the world will know in a matter of moments. These sort of executions can be effective if the population is already conquered, subjugated, beaten down into submission…  but if there’s still fight in ’em, all they’ll do is piss off those most likely to grab a rifle or a Molotov cocktail or just a pointy stick and go find an enemy to rub out. And these videos will be flashed around the world, even into Russia… and they’ll likely do a *fantastic* job of demoralizing the Russian population (“Are we the baddies?”). So on the whole, the idea is not just bugnuts, it’s *dumb.* Unfortunately, neither  of those has ever prevented tyrants for doing whatever it is that comes into their weird little heads.

 Posted by at 1:44 am