Mar 132022

Because why not: someone has posted the 1979 disaster “epic” Meteor to YouTube. It is pretty awful on every level, but to me the worst of it is the incredibly half-assed miniature work on the spacecraft. That said, it’s entertaining in it’s awfulness. Just thing thing to MST3K.

When I was ten, this movie was awesome. Now… well, here ya go.

Here is a movie review from the period:

And here is a TV movie, “A Fire In The Sky,” from the year before “Meteor,” based on a similar concept.


 Posted by at 10:09 am
Mar 132022

This is almost certainly a joke. It’s *got* to be a joke. But the Loki-following part of me *really* wants these people to be in earnest… and hopeful that  they get a *lot* of investment from well-funded morons who need to be separated from their money for the good of all mankind.

They put a fair amount of effort into it… but clearly not enough (assuming they’re serious) to realize that it’s bad engineering.

But hey, by all means: go ahead and spend vast sums of idiots money on “other ways of knowing” and “avoiding male phalocentric engineering rigor” or whatever nonsense they’re on about. let us know how that goes.

 Posted by at 1:49 am
Mar 112022

I have the feeling I posted this some years ago. If so… oh well, it’s worth watching again. A little kitten at a Syrian vet clinic, expressing its disapproval over getting stabbed with needles, and putting up the best fight it can. If it was a *real* fight it would lose, and lose badly… but it would have earned its place in Valhalla.


 Posted by at 11:13 pm
Mar 112022

A simulation of what *could* have happened had an A-10 gone up against that kilometers-long Russian convoy in Ukraine. Note: The Russians would have had to have been particularly accommodating for this to happen… stay bunched up on the road, don’t shoot back, no air cover. Still, it’s interesting the sheer volume of destruction that could have been unleashed.

 Posted by at 8:49 am