Mar 162022

There are three good arguments for homeschooling:

  1. The school board is full of whackadoodle propagandists, pushing political rubbish
  2. The teachers are political propagandists, pushing political rubbish and often causing psychological harm
  3. The other students are… not good to be around.

This one is Number 3.

Moment Texas middle school student hurls CHAIR at substitute teacher, 73, leaving blood pouring from man’s face – with elderly victim then throwing TWO chairs back at unruly teenager

Note that the video news piece says that the school district is cancelling classes and enacting some policy changes. That’s nice… but at least from what’s said here, the response is not just inadequate, it’s wrong. They are banning the use of headphones and cell phones during the day – but this doesn’t seem to have been a cause of the fight in the first place (rather, a student in the wrong classroom, refusing to leave). In fact, the use of a cell phone as a video recorder allowed this issue to come to light. Instead, what the school district *should* have announced is a zero tolerance policy  regarding violent students. If you think it’s the height of wit and wisdom to chuck a chair at someone else, you need to no longer be around other kids. Certainly not at taxpayer expense.

So here it’s a case of students you wouldn’t want your child around until you begin them in combat training, and a school board full – apparently – of corrupt and/or incompetent fools.

 Posted by at 3:39 pm