Mar 152022

Earlier today I started seeing people freaking out about this headline:

Here’s 5 Tik-Tok dances you can do to help Ukraine fight Russia

Such as:

On one hand, that sounds insanely and unrealistically stupid. On the other hand, that’s exactly the sort of thing you might expect to see from clueless “influences” and other such ambulatory bipedal cancerous tumors. But before going nuts over how stupid it is, maybe it would make sense to actually try to find where it originates? Turns out it’s not that hard. After about four seconds on Google, the original source is found to be:

Here’s 5 Tik-Tok dances you can do to help Ukraine fight Russia

And what is “Cinch News Network?” From the bottom of their page:

About us

We are a super biased and undependable publication focused on furthering liberal policies in pursuit of a theoretical world where humans don’t act human.

I begin to suspect they just might be a satire site. But to be sure, let’s see what other stories they’re running:

Here’s why Ukraine citizens are good guys with guns, but you’re not

Hidden Federal gun control successfully passes, defeating sexism

Why white people owning dogs is racist

(Note: that last one I actually linked to a couple years ago, not grasping just what was going on…)

Here’s how God might be responsible for racism

White House considers hiring Stephen King to name the next 20 COVID-19 variants

So… yeah.

 Posted by at 6:42 pm