Apr 072022

I just dropped off at the print shop a little over one hundred large format prints for scanning. I usually do this in small handfuls, so this is a new approach. It’s also an expensive approach. In that pile of prints are just over 50 diagrams of early-ish rockets/space launch vehicles, all from the same source; the other fifty-ish are something new: submarines. American subs from the early days to a few decades ago; some are commercial diagrams, but most are official blueprints depicting a wide range of submarines.

Following receipt of the scans, there will follow a long process of going through them and trying to figure out what to do with them all. Some will go into the monthly rewards catalog; some will perhaps go into the “Drawings and documents” catalog, and some, like the subs, will go into a brand-new catalog. A lot of them will *not* be distributed that way, since they are commercial items. Almost all will require a lot of cleanup, a heart-breakingly time consuming process sometimes. A lot of expense and effort, right when I’m broke and busy. So, always on the lookout for a way to make a nickel, here’s what I can do: if the idea of 50 rocket diagrams and 50 submarine diagrams (some of them will be *very* large) sounds interesting to you, I will make them available as a sight-unseen lot for $175 for anyone who responds via the email address below. I don’t know for sure how long the scanning process will take; probably more than a week. At the end of that time I will have a massive block of data uploaded to Dropbox: I’m handwaving a guess of around ten gigabytes. So if you’re interested in the diagrams, or you just want to help a feller out with this rather niche activity (preserving aerospace and now submarine history), send me an email, and when the scans are available I will send out PayPal requests.

A *few* of the submarine diagrams may be deleted prior to being sent out. The ones with the rather interesting “distribute these further and the FBI will come and say howdy” notifications. I’ve seen one such; it was not included in this batch. I didn’t see that on any in this batch, but I will look closer when I can see them digitally.

 Posted by at 5:41 pm
Apr 072022

Elon Musk bought 9% of twitter, and Twitter put him on their board of directors. The far left is having a meltdown.


Lots of nuts are saying they are going to quit twitter, either by leaving their employ, or no longer using the platform. If this pans out (and let’s face it, these are basically the same type and caliber of people who said they’d leave the US if GWB won, or if he won again, or if Trump won, and yet they’re still here), then Twitter *might* end up not being the society-destroying hive of idiocy and degeneracy it has become.

 Posted by at 10:55 am
Apr 072022

Consider: Russias invasion of Ukraine has not gone well. They’ve lost a *lot* of troops and equipment; it has become apparent that the Russian military seems to have some serious problems with maintenance and logistics. Ukraine has shown that a lot of Russias perceived power doesn’t seem to exist, or exists in the form of rickety junk.

Putin invaded in order to rebuilt the Russian Empire. But as Russia pours it’s apparently unpectacular and limited military equipment into the black hole that is Ukraine, could some of the other regions and states that Russia has bullied decide that Now’s The Time? If Russia ends up drawing troops away from Chechnya and Georgia and the like, could *they* rise up to throw out the Russians? Could China change its plans from “let’s take Taiwan” to “let’s take Siberia?”

Is it conceivable that this could end up being one of the more spectacular self-owns in history… a project to expand an empire ends up ending the empire?

 Posted by at 3:45 am
Apr 062022

Normally mass shootings are the sort of news stories that have not only media but politicians and celebrities falling all over themselves and each other to bleat and strut. But the recent event in Sacramento that killed six? Yes, it’s pretty much gone. I wonder why that might possibly be.

Sacramento mass shooting suspect released from prison early weeks before tragedy, has violent past

He was sentenced to 10 years in 2018 for for domestic violence and assault with great bodily injury

Let’s do the math on that. Sentenced to ten years in 2018. January 2018 plus ten years is… hmmm… carry the two… ah, yes, released in February 2022.

He was a felon who was not legally allowed to have a firearm, never mind the illegally modified fully automatic firearm he actually had. The story is less a “boo hoo, we need more gun control” story and more a “maybe if we locked these monsters away for anything like how long they’re supposed to be locked away for, they won’t be out here doing this.” But we’re in the era of “defund the police” and “abolish the prisons,” so… kinda unfortunate narrative this story came with. Plus, kinda difficult to pin this one on Orange Man Bad or white supremacy. But I’m sure we’ll see some wild flailings for just that soon enough… if the story is remembered at all in another day or two.

This fine upstanding gentleman has a long record of violent criminality. A sane society would have permanently separated him from the rest of humanity long ago, but oh no, some geniuses decided it would be best to release him back out onto the streets to terrorize the citizenry. I’m getting to be more and more of the opinion that those responsible for signing for early release should be held responsible for the behavior of those they let go.



 Posted by at 10:37 pm
Apr 062022

Well. One more thing to add to The List.

Ukrainian zoo says it may have to euthanize big cats, bears after enclosures destroyed

“Yesterday and today [Feldman Ecopark] was again subjected to massive shelling and bombardment. Infrastructure destroyed, enclosures destroyed,” zoo founder Alexander Feldman said in a statement. “The biggest problem is large predators.” 

“Maybe we will save baby jaguars, baby panthers, but all adult animals will probably be liquidated,” Feldman said.

The zoo, located in Kharviv, said that its specialists are trying to place the animals in temporary housing, noting this is the only option they have outside of euthanizing bears, lions and tigers. 

Understandable but… dayum. I am reminded, unhappily, of Marjan the Kabul Zoo lion. That story *still* pisses me off to no end, twenty years later. I had the great misfortune of first reading about Marjan and seeing photos of while at work back then. Uuuuuugh.

Even for cats as massive and majestic as lions, for animals as powerful as bears… humans waging war has to be a cosmic horror. Their experience of such things would be like the Greek gods warring with the Hindu gods would be on primitive Man.

This video shows the place in October of last year. The Feldman Ecopark Zoo was certainly no San Diego Zoo, but it seemed like it was a nice place, with what appears to have been well designed, well built and well maintained enclosures with healthy animals given a good amount of space. Until Putins goons decided to “deNazify” it.

Apparently there is *some* effort to evacuate some of the big cats:

 Posted by at 7:46 pm
Apr 052022

Call me unsympathetic, but there are times when I see someone I don’t know and have never heard of completely melting down over the most ridiculous stuff, and it just makes me laugh. Remember the loons freaking out and screaming at the sky because Orange Man Bad won an election? Yeah, I know we’re not supposed to make fun of people with mental illnesses (you know, CRAZY PEOPLE), but it’s a basic human instinct.

All that said… here ya go. Someone else to laugh at, shake our heads, and despair for the future if she is at all representative of Kids These Days. All *that* said, I’m *kinda* sure she’s putting on an act. You know, for kids.


please I don’t know what to do

♬ original sound – Jay Lampy

 Posted by at 4:09 pm