Apr 092022

Ben’s staff selects some of the craziest nutbars tiktok has to offer to make their boss react to. Someday, historians will look back on this time in amazement that society ever allowed people with this level of mental illness to have this outsized of an influence on culture, norms and laws.


By the way: if you are still concerned about the so-called “Don’t Say gay” bill, Ruined Leon is here to set you right. Unlike the people screaming the loudest about it, he actually goes to the bother of actually reading the thing: Spoiler warning: the crazies are lying. Shocker, I know.

And if you are confused or concerned that perhaps you too are a groomer, the Babylon Bee has kindly provided a simple test:

Are You A Groomer? 9 Things To Look For

1. Do you talk about sex with 5-year-olds behind their parents’ back?

2. Do you begin sentences with, “Don’t tell your parents, but…”

3. Do you encourage kids to cut off their sex organs?

4. Are you a Disney Executive?

Take a look and see how you stack up, and whether you should be removed from the proximity of children.

We don’t need stricter gun laws. We don’t need open borders. We do need a whole lot of mental asylums.

 Posted by at 3:30 pm