May 112022

When you over-use and abuse a derogatory word, it loses it’s sting or outright changes its meaning. Remember when “Nazi” used to mean something inherently bad? Now, thanks to Antifa and Putin, it simply means “anyone who disagrees with my insane rants.” The same will happen with “racist.”

 Posted by at 9:15 am
May 102022

It is possible that some writer on “Strange New Worlds” might have slipped in  some non-leftist messaging. Personally I believe that the more likely explanation is that this was meant to smear the right, but due to the current-day Star Trek writers being lazy and none too bright, they screwed it up.

In short: in the premier episode of SNW, Captain Pike uses some January 6 footage to show how Earth walked into World War III, with the protests leading to the Eugenics Wars, and then to WWIII. Buuuuuuuut… Pike referred to the Jan 6 footage as a “fight for freedom.”

Hmmm. Pike’s not wrong there.

Another good point: “That’s why I watch a show set in the future, to watch video from last year.”

 Posted by at 6:54 pm
May 102022

This particular form of video meme has been around for a while, but it is sometimes interesting. The song “Little Dark Age” by MGMT, often slowed down somewhat, is played against a series of images all to a particular theme, such as “America” or “Space Exploration.” Often the videos start with images or video clips from the present that show some of the bad aspects of the topic, depressing stuff such as Antifa and Joe Biden and “Hamilton” for the “America” theme, then follow it with uplifting historical images. The point, it seems, to be to contrast the current-day insistence of many to view things only in the worst possible light with a much better view of the topic. A lot of these videos are lame, but the better ones have an evocative mix of despair and hope.


Some vary the style up by ditching the Black Pill content at the beginning and just use a vast number of historical images to tell a story. This one, for instance, tells the story of Western Civilization and somehow got itself “age restricted,” even though there’s nothing in there that seems to merit it… looks more like some algorithm decided that “western civilization = bad.”

 Posted by at 5:49 pm
May 102022

A video taken by Ukrainian forces after taking a formerly Russian-held position, showing a good reason why the Russian military seems so incompetent: instead of loading their positions with militarily useful equipment, they burdened themselves with loot. And not even *good* loot… not gold and diamonds and Lugers and such, but washing machines. The fact that these soldiers think hauling pilfered home appliances – and big ones – around an entire *war* makes any kind of sense says a lot about how things are back home in Russia. In a country where the Dear Leader has himself yachts the size of warships that cost as much as space programs, apparently the average schmoe doesn’t have the sort of mundane normal stuff that people in the west take for granted. So they’re stealing it from Ukraine.

Seems the Russian soldiers are pointing their guns in the wrong direction.


 Posted by at 4:25 pm
May 102022

Other than lobbing rockets at Odessa, at least so far none of the kinda-expected escalations of Putins war came about. Not a single NATO country got nuked, for instance. Still, Operator Starsky, a Ukrainian National Guardsman who has put out a lot of videos and tweets and whatnot in this war, “celebrated” the day with a video compiling several interesting bits of Russia: the head of the Russian space program being an actual Nazi, Russian politicians proposing genocide, excuses made for theft, etc.

 Posted by at 5:03 am
May 092022

Today is “Victory Day” for Russia, celebrating the victory of the democidal Soviets over the genocidal Nazis. Parades and celebrations and bloviation, oh my. Basically everyone is expecting Putin to either announce some crazy new offensives against Ukraine or to actually enact said craziness. This could include strikes against non-Ukrainian targets, possibly NATO nations, even nukes. Wheeee!!!!! The next day or so should prove interesting… even if nothing happens. A *lack* of some new offensive might indicate things are falling apart.

 Posted by at 12:44 am
May 082022

Well, huh. When I think of “profoundly British television,” one of the first things to come to my mind is “Dr. Who.” Well, I guess the BBC has decided to end that nonsense… they’ve selected the next actor to play Dr. Who. He’s Rwandan. How long before Dr. Who is filmed in Mandarin? Why does the BBC persist in English-language supremacy?


 Posted by at 12:23 pm