May 142022

If you are going to insult someone, it’s generally most effective if the insult actually sounds like an insult, or the satire is clear. The least effective kinds of insults are the ones where the insulted person wears the insult as a source of pride. Remember “box of deplorables? How’d that work out?

Biden’s new ‘ultra-MAGA’ label came after six months of liberal-funded focus group research: Report

The president’s new slogan was quickly embraced by Republicans

GOP laughs off Biden’s ‘ultra-MAGA’ attack, calling it ‘hilarious’

Biden officials, though, are digging in. “The term ‘MAGA’ is repellent to swing voters,” a source familiar with the White House strategy told NBC News.

I haven’t done months of polling, but with gas prices at a record high, inflation back to 70’s levels, the threat of nuclear war *closer* than the horizon, baby formula vanishing from the shelves… “Make America Great Again” seems like it aught to be a pretty appealing notion just now.

If you do a Google Image Search on “ultra MAGA,” the first things that pop up are a row of “Ultra MAGA” T-shirts. Who do yo think would be buying and wearing these? Democrats hoping to stick it to the Trump voters? Amazon is already loaded with “Ultra MAGA” T-shirts and hats and other products. If you want to see a bunch of them, click HERE (and if you buy from that or the following links, some of that Ultra MAGA money trickles down to me. So, you know… spend baby spend!).


And then there’s this. It’s not an Ultra MAGA shirt, but the message is a good one:

 Posted by at 3:23 pm