May 152022

Since yesterday’s mass shooting in Buffalo, NY, plays directly into The Narrative, there’s little point in my going on about it: the media will blat on about this for *weeks.* Still, the shooters manifesto has been found and published online several places, such as HERE. It is one hundred and eighty pages. It is bad news: the ghouls in the media and the political class will eat this up. The shooter is a straight up neo-Nazi white supremacist. A lot of his complaints are fact-based, a lot are garbage; his conclusions are nuts.

Something that immediately leaps out when your eyes glaze over at the sheer scale of his jibberjabber is how much effort he put into planning… and in documenting his plans and thoughts and whatnot. He has a long section on the weapons he planned to use: the primary one was a legally purchased AR-platform rifle that he illegally modified. He goes into detail on where he got it, how he modified it, opinions on the relative quality of various manufacturers, blah, blah, blah. It’s the sort of document that would be described as “autistic” in its detail.

While I can’t imagine the level of nuttery that would cause someone to decide that shooting up a grocery store is any kind of good idea, I also cannot imagine the thought process behind documenting the whole thing… or the reasoning that concludes that this act will cause a whole bunch of like-minded folks to rise up and wipe out millions of people they don’t like. All it will end up doing is shutting down valid debate and eroding rights a little more. And driving up the cost of guns, magazines and ammo, which you can now expect yet another run on. Even though he did this with an illegal gun (and specifically targeted a New York store, due to the 10-round limit and low number of legal concealed carriers), expect New York to decide that a new round of laws are needed to prevent this sort of thing. Laws that won’t do diddly to quash the less newsworthy and far more voluminous homicides that take place regularly.

ADDITIONAL: Ruined Leon’s video on the subject is worthy of a view.

 Posted by at 1:25 am