May 202022

This time they caught a Twitter employee laying out how the company would rather be ideological than either fair or profitable… good reasons for Musk to *seriously* reconsider his purchase:


And this Very Special Tweep gets confronted and bravely runs away:

The whole thing is freakin’ *hilarious.* He says a number of goofy things, like saying that since Musk has Asperger’s, he is “special needs” and thus he cannot be taken seriously.” Coming from someone who makes Liberace seems like a Soldier of Fortune cover model, that’s fabulous.

I don’t know that this guy is anybody of any significance… he is a “lead client partner,” which kinda sounds like “salesman.” Still, it’s interesting to see what Outer Party members think about the Proles.

This feller is probably closer to the Inner Party and spills the beans:

 Posted by at 8:23 am
May 192022

‘‘Federal Firearm Licensing Act’’

Introduced by Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.).

Except as provided in subsection (d), it shall be unlawful for any individual to purchase or receive a firearm unless the individual has a valid Federal firearm license.

The license will be issued if the Attorney General feels like issuing it, only after the prospective gin owner has completed a lengthy, inconvenient and expensive series of bureaucratic red tape procedures. And even then, the license will only be for *one* gun (the serial number of which will be recorded with the Feds, thus creating a Federal gun registry, just the thing for when they decide to confiscate), and only last for five years. So you’ll have to spend probably around a thousand dollars every five years for each firearm you own.

This does not *technically* strip a person of their right to keep and bear arms, but it *effectively* will do so. For starters, a vast number of people won’t be able to take time off from work to drive the fifty miles to take a multi-day series of classes and tests, nor will they be able to pay the exorbitant fees. They certainly won’t be able to do this every five years for a number of guns. And since issuing the license will be at the discretion of the Feds, *after* the prospective gun owner has lost work and spent money, receiving the license will doubtless end up being a matter of who you know, how politically connected you are, how skilled you are at greasing palms.

This new law would require that this process be carried out for private transfers as well, including gifts and inheritance. You will no longer be able to sell your shotgun to your neighbor; you’ll have to go through the process *and* transfer the firearm through a federal firearms dealer, often many miles away.

What’s better: for each license, the prospective gun owner will need a background check. In the list of things that would automatically strip you of the right to such a license is included this nugget:

any recent acquisition of firearms, ammunition, or other deadly weapons

You will be barred from buying a gun if you’ve recently bought *ammunition.*

 Posted by at 11:03 pm
May 192022

Boeing has managed to put it’s Starliner capsule into orbit. For a program that started in 2010, and was supposed to be operational in 2017… it’s just a little bit overdue. The first orbital test flight occurred in December 2019 and came home after only 11 hours (after *not* docking, as planned, with the ISS)  because its onboard clock was off by 11 hours. Orbital Test Flight 2, which has just now attained orbit, was supposed to fly in October 2020. The schedule slipped, obviously.


 Posted by at 6:35 pm
May 192022

Huh. Maybe having an aggressive, conquest-driven corrupt and highly irrational nation moving a number of nuclear-capable hypersonic ballistic missiles to your border might make someone think that defending themselves is a good idea…

 Posted by at 4:06 pm
May 192022

Y’all may have noticed that over the years I get kinda twerked when I hear about a local cat that has been abused by a human. A lot of this is of course because I like cats and cannot countenance abusing them; and a lot of it is that abuse of a cat is a damn big sign that abuse of humans is coming. And well what do you know, it turns out that the Buffalo mass shooter, a left-wing white supremacist nutter, did horrible things to a cat. What’s more, he published reports of this online. Given that he was on law enforcement radar, this *should* have been picked up on.

Buffalo mass shooting suspect wore hazmat suit to school once in-person learning resumed

The hazmat suit thing, I dunno. It may have been that the governments efforts to create fear among the public worked especially well on this kid. Or it may be that he was having a laugh. I could believe either. But later the story relates that on March 25 he described repeatedly stabbing, beating and eventually beheading a feral cat that had attacked his pet cat. I get being irritated that a feral cat has attacked your pet. But the description of his response to this is wholly bugnuts. It was the sort of thing that should have gotten him a nice little visit from the sort of people who should pay nice little visits to kids who are demonstrably wacko.

And on the subject of mass shootings, here’s one from a few days ago that received virtually none of the media traction that the Buffalo shooting did. There are a few important differences:

  1. The Milwaukee incident resulted in 21 injuries, but no deaths.
  2. The Milwaukee incident had at least 11 arrests.

One might argue that the Milwaukee incident is less important than Buffalo because there were fewer deaths. But I would argue that incompetent marksmanship is no reason to not pay attention to the attempt. I would argue that a mass shooting involving perhaps a dozen or more shooters is more important than one lone wacko. Lone wackos are… well, alone. But groups? That’s *bad* on a whole other level.

 Posted by at 1:10 am
May 182022

What fresh hell has 2022 done brung us? Monkeypox.

First case this year of mysterious monkeypox virus reported in US


UK confirms more cases of monkeypox


Portugal finds 5 monkeypox cases in men as outbreak spreads


Monkeypox alert in Spain after 23 people show symptoms

Monkeypox is a relative of smallpox, but less utterly horrifying (one straight is 10% fatal, the other is 1% fatal). At least in its current form. What a future mutation will bring… shrug.

How serious is monkeypox and what are the symptoms?

It can be transmitted through the air, riding on respiratory droplets, but it seems like a lot of the current cases were transmitted the old fashioned way: bangin’. Under normal circumstances, this disease would be fairly straightforward to stop transmitting… but given that the bulk of the people who have been determined to have caught the disease caught it via male-to-male bangin’… well, I’m old enough to remember the 80’s, and how telling people to Stop Doing That wasn’t even allowed *then,* and *that* disease was 100% fatal. Time from infection to display of chickenpox-like symptoms – fever, lesions, etc. – is about ten days, so a bit of self control would go far in shutting this one down.

 Posted by at 7:22 pm
May 182022

Washington gas stations run out of gas, add extra digit in anticipation of $10 dollar prices


And then:

Dow drops more than 1,100 points, retailers’ profits crushed by inflation

Everything is going to be vastly more expensive at the same time that people will have less money. *AND* at the same time that large numbers of “migrants” are being allowed in, while anyone who complains about it – or even *notices* it –  will be tarred as a racist/white supremacist/conspiracy theorist/domestic terrorist.


 Posted by at 6:54 pm
May 172022

Its cool and all, but to be really practical the suit would need some sort of powered exoskeleton and an intelligent control system. As currently built it requires the pilot to have considerable upper body and arm strength.  I would suspect that mountain rescue services might make use of something like this, but mostly for scouting; the actual medical services would probably come in the form of some sort of smallish VTOL vehicle, something that can carry a medical professional up and carry the victim down (a second unmanned VTOL, or the same one after the patient delivery, can retrieve the paramedic).

 Posted by at 12:26 pm