Jun 072022

I believe I’ve posted videos of Messi before, a subscale puma belonging to a couple in Russia. I love cats, but I’m leery of *big* cats; to them, humans are tasty treats, and its best not to forget it. Still, Messi seems almost domesticated. Imagine if Messi’s DNA could be sequenced and understood, and a whole line of smaller, fully domesticated “house pumas” could be bred. Those critters would sell like hotcakes.

 Posted by at 11:19 am
Jun 072022

That’s right, I want to see this project succeed. Because I want the world filled with quality Star Trek ships, that’s why.

Anyway, the crowdfunding effort for Tomy’s 1/350 scale die-cast NCC-1701 USS Enterprise went live earlier today. They need 5,000 orders before proceeding; so far they have 130. I’m not sure if that’s a good start or not.

1/350 Scale Star Trek Enterprise – Prestige Select Replica


 Posted by at 11:06 am
Jun 062022

So, what do you do if you are in HR *and* you’re a political extremist who loves to use the power your job gives you in order to screw with people who don’t think like you? Well, if you’re smart, you keep your yap shut about how awful a person you are. If, on the other hand, you’re dumb as a post, you do what Tammy here did and broadcast your particular banality of evil to the cosmos:

And here’s the ironic part: what she posted on social media has come to bite her right directly in the keister. Love to see it.

It’s my understanding that in the US (she’s Canadian, so might not apply), HR departments telling other companies HR departments not to hire certain people violates privacy laws or some such. She should be investigated, and if it can  be proved that she engaged in such practices, I have to imagine that the lawsuits from people denied employment by her and her ilk could be fiscally damaging to her and her ilk.

 Posted by at 11:14 pm
Jun 062022

The mark of good craftsmanship is that they make what they do look easy enough that anyone could do it. The mark of wise maturity is that you can look at that process and “haha, no, I ain’t gonna try that cuz I’ll screw it up.”



 Posted by at 8:31 pm
Jun 062022

We all agree that young men who shoot up schools and grocery stores and such should be investigated and understood, with the goal of understanding what led them to do it. The important thing to learn would hopefully be how to spot the same sort of whacko *before* he goes bugnuts. Some things seem obvious, such as “as a kid he loves to torture cats.” Such a lil dickens  should be put under one hell of a microscope, up to and including institutionalization. Another possible marker of a whacko mind? Writings of a particularly creepy and violent nature.

Take, for example, this:

Visions From The Last Crusade

That’s a brief little tale written and posted online waaaay back in 1988, in the earliest days of Ye Olde Internet. As a story, it’s not well written. As a warning sign, it’s got kinda flashing neon lights. One would hope that the author of such a thing *today* would draw the attention of The Authorities. You would hope that the actual author would have been kept far from the reigns of power.

Prepare to be disappointed.


 Posted by at 5:47 pm