Jun 062022

We all agree that young men who shoot up schools and grocery stores and such should be investigated and understood, with the goal of understanding what led them to do it. The important thing to learn would hopefully be how to spot the same sort of whacko *before* he goes bugnuts. Some things seem obvious, such as “as a kid he loves to torture cats.” Such a lil dickens  should be put under one hell of a microscope, up to and including institutionalization. Another possible marker of a whacko mind? Writings of a particularly creepy and violent nature.

Take, for example, this:

Visions From The Last Crusade

That’s a brief little tale written and posted online waaaay back in 1988, in the earliest days of Ye Olde Internet. As a story, it’s not well written. As a warning sign, it’s got kinda flashing neon lights. One would hope that the author of such a thing *today* would draw the attention of The Authorities. You would hope that the actual author would have been kept far from the reigns of power.

Prepare to be disappointed.


 Posted by at 5:47 pm