Jul 042022

I have no idea who this weirdo is. There are far, FAR too many of them in the world, with their rampaging narcissism and LookitMeAintISpecial makeup, to even begin to catalog them. That said, what she says in the first few seconds of this clip is *fascinating:*

the most hurtful response I get when I speak about my sexuality is “I don’t care”.’

Get used to it. Because most people *don’t* care. Not just about your sexuality, but about your religion, your politics, your mental diseases, your tragic backstory… about YOU. And you trying to make every damn thing about you makes people care all the less.

I’ve said it before: there is a flaw in the human operating system that makes seeing oneself as a victim, as the oppressed, as the loser in the great game of life as a *desirable* thing. These are the people who get outraged at, say, British people proudly hang up the Union Jack and want to maintain Britishness in Britain; Americans who do not feel automatic and utter shame about America because our history was not ethical purity from the get-go; any man who is not ashamed to be a man, any woman who wants to be a feminine woman. These people *live* on feeling hated, whether they actually are or not. And a few decades ago… sure, they would have been. But when I was a kid in the 80’s that time was largely already past (with, of course, loudmouthed exceptions). My generation was raised on “everybody is ok, don’t be a dick about it.” You could not turn on an “after school special” or a “very special episode” without getting hammered with The Message.

So… they look out into the world and *don’t* see the hate surrounding them that it seems they feel the need for. So they do one or both of two things:

1) They just dream up that hate anyway, and attribute it to anything that isn’t 100% affirming and validating

2) They ramp up their own weirdness until they start pushing buttons, get pushback, and then bask in the warm glow of their oppression. See: Antifa, BLM, Drag Queen Story Time, “Pride” parades featuring things that would get an NC-17 rating, celebrating grooming.

To this kind of person, the worst thing they can hear is “I don’t hate you. I just don’t care about you. You don’t factor into my thoughts at all.”



 Posted by at 6:35 pm