May 182011

So accused rapist and convicted Socialist Dominique Strauss-Kahn (chief of the International Monetary Fund… did *anyone* think that putting a Socialist in charge of a major economic system might have a down side?) gets arrested for rape in New York City. Of course, he is still “accused,” not “convicted,” so who knows what really happened… but apparently (some of) the French are already certain that It’s Americas Fault. And from this LA Times summary, it’s some funny, funny stuff. I recommend giving it a read.

IMF chief’s arrest stirs up anti-Americanism in France

 Posted by at 11:18 pm

  10 Responses to “Anti-Americanism as Entertainment”

  1. What advantage does America gain by having this event become so public? The Obama administration could have made this one a lot less visible.

    • I doubt the FedGuv had much to say about this. He was arrested by the NYPD, IIRC. And the press found out. From there, the FedGuv had little to say or do.

  2. When I went to grab an iced tea from the local cafe, the baristas were actually discussing this case. I am encouraged by the fact that when I called him a member of the new aristocracy, and complained that people can apparently get away with anything so long as they preach the redistributive mantra, the baristas nodded knowingly.

  3. more fun….check out….U.S. Supreme Court rules out warranted searches…no search
    warrant required!

  4. Putting a Socialist in charge of the IMF is akin to putting a flat earther in charge of NASA.

    • Not really. After all, what do socialists want? Power and control. And what does the IMF want? Power and control. Both of them are authoritarian a**hats, both believe that they seek absolute rule for the good of the people, both believe in equality over liberty and central bodies over individual autonomy… quite a lot in common really.

      • True, but the IMF ostensibly is a sort of bank and Socialism is a discredited economic theory. So, having a guy that is a Socialist running a large multinational bank is like having a witch doctor perform brain surgery, i.e. the guy just doesn’t even have the right tool set to do his job.

        Now, I agree that the IMF real motives are more about enhancing European influence and basically hamstringing as much of the world with their own flawed economic system as possible in order to reduce economic competition with Europe.

        At the end of the day, you’re right. Strauss-Kahn and his ilk are just a band of elites that are trying to organize the world for their own benefit. This is a story as old as humanity, but at least when we had kings and emperors playing this game they didn’t spend so much time lecturing the serfs on how everything they did was for the serfs own good.

  5. wat for old antiquated point of view, have the Americans about socialism 😉

    101 on europan Socialist
    Great Britain Labor Party under Tony Blair, was a former Socialist Party.

    German Socialist have nothing in common with Socialist ideology
    the former Socialist Chancellor of Germany Gerhard Schröder
    Is a Turbo capitalist of the worst kind
    “Die Linke” (the Left) are leftover of east German communist and west Ultra Left
    “Die Grüne” (the Green) start as tree-hugger Lefties,
    today there are “we don’t know wat are you opinion, we are against it”

    the French form of Socialist have nothing in common with Socialist ideology.
    it’s more a way to form of government (State control economy)
    and the french Socialist party is a politcal trade union.
    (If you wanted french ideology look for Gaullist, they worship the late General De Gaulle)
    In France distinguished politician and top level civil servants are comming from,
    Elite secondary school Lycée Louis-le-Grand or Henry IV in Paris.
    There they choose what form of government to follow: Socialist or Gaullist

    Dominique Strauss-Kahn choose french socialism = State control economy…

    • Yeah, that’s sort of the definition of Socialism, i.e. state controlled economy. We silly American get that. This isn’t that opaque.

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