Apr 132011

Guess where (yes, it is possible to nail down the location based on these two photos)?

 Posted by at 5:55 pm

  13 Responses to “Follow the Bouncing Bonehead”

  1. home

  2. Nope.

  3. Completely unrelated, but thought you might be interested


  4. Los Alamos?

  5. Nope.

    Jeez, I must have the audience enthralled with my adventures…

  6. I figured that it was your house because of the cat. Someone else’s

  7. Cat is standing on concrete with letters that might spell (L?)ANI LO(wther?)…are we at a relatives house?

  8. Not my house (though I *reeeeeaaaaallly* wish it was), not my cat. This cat *has* appeared in this blog before, though.

  9. Isn’t that the cat, I forget the name, who your parents adopted? So I’m assuming it’s at your parents house

  10. My turn, but easier…what does SCET stand for?…I thought of you when someone had this on a sheet with other questions this morning because
    the term has been around since sputnik supposably.

  11. Well, I like a good puzzle. So, going on the few clues you provided above, I searched thru your archives looking for that cat. Oh, the horror! Over 2 years of cat pictures and no luck. Do cats change colors / markings as they age? Hell if I know, being a dog person. No joy this route.

    Going down the “location” route, I’ve figured that you were there in mid October… tho’ “where” “there” is, I couldn’t find an actual reference. There is a pic, with a cat in it, showing the same sort of troweled concrete porch with corrugated metal siding in the background. So… you are where you were in mid-October.

    Maybe someone else can supply the exact location that the “bonehead” bounced down at?

    Where ever you are Scott, I wish ya’ luck!

  12. > Over 2 years of cat pictures and no luck.

    You need to go back about 2.5 years: October of 2008, in fact. This is “GP,” the official greeter-cat of the Ropkey Armor Museum in Indiana.

    GP is still there, doing her job of greeting people and fighting off the mouse horde.

  13. Had to Google it (SCET) and found out that it stands for Space Craft
    Elapsed Time.

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