Apr 112011

 Posted by at 9:43 pm

  6 Responses to “Follow the Bouncing Bonehead”

  1. Hope the cats enjoyed the trip.

  2. Is that Buttons? He looks lighter in color than in the other pics. Did you see the video of the cat and dolphin? Do you ever have problems staying in motels withthe cats?

  3. I’ve seen the video of the cat and dolphins playing together myself
    and thought it was cute. Too big of a fish for the cat to handle.

  4. I think it shows how intelligent both are.

  5. > Hope the cats enjoyed the trip.

    Buttons: “Oh Boy! A grand adventure!”
    Raedthinn: “Whatever.”
    Fingers: “idontlikethisidontlikethisidontlikethisgottahidegottahidegottahide…”

  6. They doing any better this time about leaving their travel cages at overnight stops, or still staying inside of them as much as possible?
    They say that “curiosity killed the cat” and these three are obviously taking no chances. 🙂

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