Jun 072008

Haven’t been out for a hike the past few days. Now that June is here, the weather has not been supportive… it’s been too cold. We’ve been close to getting snow the last several days, here in the Utah desert. A few thousand feet higher than my house, they *did* get snow:


Nevertheless, saw some interesting wildlife, including this surprisingly photogenic butterfly:


It fluttered about 3 feet away and was on a good high perch, perfect for some more photography, when “Frodo” the dog came bounding along. You might be able to judge Frodos energy level by noting just how crisp and clear he is in this photo…


Frodo ran right over the butterfly, which took off and headed for the hills. Oh, well.

Also stumbled across these two fine examples of automotive craftsmanship out in the middle of nowhere. Yes, those are bulletholes. Welcome to Utah.


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