Mar 232011

Lowry Park volunteer charged with molesting boy at zoo

The guy has not been convicted, and claims by kids are notoriously unreliable. But still. Damn.

 Posted by at 11:05 am

  13 Responses to “Do you think they’ll spot him in the lineup?”

  1. What’s that thing on the guy’s neck?

  2. Is that the guy’s real photo? What happened to his face?

  3. I have no reason to believe he’d molest a child, but I’m confident he could frighten one.


  4. I hesitated before posting this one. If he had been convicted, then there’d be no hesitation. But unconvicted… so far as I’m aware, the only accusation is that of a child, and those are often approximately as believable as claims of alien abductions. Everybody lies… especially kids. And this poor schmoe has a face *begging* to have kids clamoring to cause him trouble.

  5. > What’s that thing on the guy’s neck?

    Looks like a tracheotomy tube… thingie.

    > What happened to his face?

    Looks like he got it mashed, blown off or torn off, and this is the best they could do for reconstruction. The trach tube would seem to back that up.

  6. Alternative: do a Google image search on “Treacher-Collins syndrome”. Warning: it won’t improve your day.

    No, really. It *won’t.* So, be warned.

    Though I’m still voting for some sort of physical trauma followed by reconstruction.

    EDIT: Hmm… this makes me think that Treacher-Collins is more likely…

    FURTHER EDIT: I typically try to avoid the F-bomb, even in images… but if I can’t put this one *here,* then where *could* I put it?

  7. Treacher-Collins was the first thing I thought of. I have a mild case, my chin looks like the one on the guy in the photo and my eyes have droopy lids, people think I’m sleepy all the time.

    I wouldn’t rule out facial trauma at some point, though.

  8. I’d never head of T-C before this. The *only* thing I could think of was that he looked like more than one post-massive-trauma facial reconstruction I’d seen. It doesn’t help that his eyes look… well, phony. The irises just look artificial to me (though mugshot cameras tend to not be the kindest).

    It’s astonishing the range and diversity of gentic disorders that are out there. If you *really* want to give yourself a sad, do a google image search on “icthyosis.” I first heard of *that* one shortly after Ann Coulter started yapping about Creationism, and how God doesn’t make mistakes. Normally Creationists piss me off anyway, but in this case the combination just made me want to cockpunch her.

    And as much as it must suck on its own to have a “syndrome,” the fact that kids are cruel and now know that they can cause *all* kinds of havoc by making up a simple lie must make life for some people a nightmare. Makes me glad that I am just generically ugly.

    I’ve no idea if the guy is guilty or not. But I do know that regardless of the evidence or lack thereof, he’s got himself a hell of a biggerlegal hurdle than he otherwise would. If he is in fact guilty… well, as cruel as life may have been to him so far, prison should prove to be an experience.

  9. Doesn’t look too much like shotgun trauma… That usually results in less nose not more.

  10. icthyosis

    The deep one taint just goes on and on. It’s hybrids man, just like Coast to Coast AM 😉

  11. > usually results in less nose not more.

    Depends on the reconstruction. With my Doctorate degree in Watching The Discovery Channel, I’ve seen a lot of reconstructions that at least start off with huge shapeless blobs where something vaguely resembling a nose might some day reside.

  12. About the tracheotomy… some T-C folks have a constricted airway due to the shortened jawbone and so need a new airway or they’d choke to death during puberty.

    I don’t have that problem but I would have trouble breathing when my allergies get real bad, I always have some allergy medicine with me to avoid that. Strong stuff, I get kinda hyper and loopy when I take it but it sure beats choking!

    T-C isn’t necessarily genetic, it can be caused by the mother being exposed to teratogenic substances during pregnancy. I’m pretty sure that’s what happened to me, also no one else in my family has it.

  13. > it can be caused by the mother being exposed to teratogenic substances during pregnancy

    New word. Via wiki:

    Drugs and medications: tobacco, caffeine, drinking alcohol (ethanol) (see fetal alcohol spectrum disorder), isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid, Roaccutane), temazepam (Restoril; Normisson), nitrazepam (Mogadon), nimetazepam (Ermin), aminopterin or methotrexate, androgenic hormones, busulfan, captopril, enalapril, coumarin, cyclophosphamide, diethylstilbestrol, phenytoin (diphenylhydantoin, Dilantin, Epanutin), etretinate, lithium, methimazole, penicillamine, tetracyclines, thalidomide, trimethadione, methoxyethyl ethers, Flusilazole, valproic acid, and many more.
    Environmental chemicals: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated dibenzodioxins a.k.a dioxin, polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), hexachlorobenzene hexachlorophene, organic mercury, ethidium bromide, etc.
    Ionizing radiation: atomic weapons fallout (Iodine-131, uranium), background radiation, diagnostic x-rays, radiation therapy
    Infections: cytomegalovirus, herpes virus, parvovirus B19, rubella virus (German measles), syphilis, toxoplasmosis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus. (An easy way to remember maternal infections is TORCH: Toxoplasmosis, Other agents, Rubella, CMV and HSV.
    Metabolic imbalance: alcoholism, endemic cretinism, diabetes, folic acid deficiency, iodine deficiency, hyperthermia, phenylketonuria, rheumatic disease and congenital heart block, virilizing tumors

    So… basically *everything.*

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