Mar 222011

This, I’m sure, will go over well, with naught but rational polite discourse:

God’s Wife Edited Out of the Bible — Almost

Short form: a fair deal of evidence – including bits of the Old Testament – point to the fertility goddess Asherah as having been worshipped alongside Yahweh as his wife by the ancient Israelites as recently as 586 BC. Of course, “bits of evidence” are not going to change major religions, but it’s interesting to speculate what might happen is, say, a really old copy of, say, the book of Genesis were dug up somewhere that had the original references to Asherah still in it, and she turned out to be Yahwehs equal.

THAT would be the time to break out the popcorn. After all, the second comment that pulls up on the article is this:

Be careful when reading baseless, misleading and confusing article that can lead someone’s soul to hell if belief is put into the article. Remember we are now at the latter day.


 Posted by at 9:13 pm

  5 Responses to “Yahwehs Wife”

  1. Damn, I’m glad we got this cleared up.

  2. Just replace the name of your god with Zeus. Suddenly it looks like a myth. That is not a coincidence 🙂

  3. It may be more fun to worry about Hell:
    I love this sort of thing. Everyone gets so angry and there are no answers but no one can accept that. The very religious are always more angry, a detail I find revealing because I have found that an angry response is always a cover for a lack of an intellectual response.

  4. Wife
    ‘You forgot to take out the trash honey’

    ‘Mumble..wratched-fratched…ah, a black hole!–that’s the ticket.

  5. …Aw, c’mon Scott. We all know the divorce was a bit of a bitter mess. No wonder God/Yahweh/Roddenberry dropped her name from all the documents! She’s not even listed in the will with so much as a “fuck you” 😛

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