Mar 102011

Massachusetts: Let’s put GPS trackers in firearms

Connecticut: Do you own a magazine that holds 11 rounds? We want to declare you a felon.

 Posted by at 9:39 am

  10 Responses to “Gun Grabbers are BACK”

  1. wow. they SAY they don’t want a war,yet they keep poking the sleeping bear.

    I wonder who will actually be collecting those magazines…

    better bring armor or ambulances.

    better yet, both.

  2. > better bring armor or ambulances.

    Every time some new gun-grab law is discussed or passed, sentiments like that are expressed. But those sentiments are *not* acted upon. People mostly just either shrug and give in, or shrug and bury their stash, or shrug and ignore the law.

  3. What sort of person proposes these laws? Is there a demographic signature of the person who needs to control guns? Do they all go to the same type of university, prefer the same music, or lived within a mile of a ghetto? Or something?

  4. > What sort of person proposes these laws? Is there a demographic signature of the person who needs to control guns?


  5. I think Massachusetts has a good idea there. It’s not controlling guns but keeping track of them. Admin, I know my opinion will be unpopular but keeping track of guns and having them registered is not gun control which I am vehemently against. Maybe there is a slight hope for Mass (one of the big liberal states).

    The idea from Connecticut is a BAD idea, but what do you expect from one of the most liberal states (if not the most liberal state) in the nation.

  6. > I think Massachusetts has a good idea there. It’s not controlling guns but keeping track of them.

    In that case, inserting tracking devices into the *people* would be a better solution. Imagine how easy criminal investigation would be if you could check the logs and see where each and every person was at, say, 3:15 AM on September 3rd. Anyone who argues against this plan will be recognized by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-government extremist.

  7. tracking devices in guns… do you power them?

    is there a legal penalty if the batteries run low? how about if someone just pulls the batteries out? won’t criminals be able to figure out how to do that?

    what about older guns? grandfathered or is there a mandatory “retrofit or we’re coming to take them”? who, exactly, is going to take them?

    would you really ask a man with a mint, cased artillery luger to screw it up with a tracking device? yes, I know of one. and he’s moving to new hampshire with it to get away from the insanity that is MA.

    and those people who “shrug”..well….I’ve always believed that the time to bury them is the time to put them to good use.

  8. This has socialism/communism written all over it. Why do they think they need to track guns or people? They want to know, so when they are ready to confiscate them, they know where they are at.
    America wake up!

  9. If the jews who run America want to confiscate our guns, it stands a good chance of happening. They wanted the U.S. military to take over The Middle East for them, and they got their way on that. Jews – the founders of communism – have been behind ALL of America’s gun control laws:

    Jews/communists didn’t allow Gentile citizens in the USSR to have guns, and you’re foolish if you think they’ll allow you to keep yours. They don’t care how many millions of us the Marines have to shoot down. In fact, they like killing Gentiles – they murdered over 100,000,000 in the USSR and Eastern Europe from 1917 to 1989. This included 20 to 30 million Christians.

    You socalled conservatives did a very stupid thing by letting the jewish Trojan Horse through the gate. They tell you they’re God’s Chosen and you believe them. Even though it’s inconceivable that God’s Chosen could have ever come up with GODLESS communism:

    When you decide you’re really serious about protecting our gun rights and our freedom, start purging the jews/communists from our Congress. And keep them out. And their shills. Also, block them and their operatives from subverting the Whitehouse and our regulatory agencies. WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT!

    Until you can be men enough do these things, America will not be a free country again. And don’t give me any crap about antisemitism. If jews attack us as Gentile-hating jews determined to destroy our American way of life, they have to be fought as Gentile-hating jews determined to destroy our American way of life.

    This judeocommunist agenda has been on the drawing board for at least 100 years. Read it yourselves:


    General Patton said we made a bad mistake when we stopped Hitler from laying waste to the Soviet Union. He died a short time later in a very mysterious accident. Because he was speaking the truth.

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