Mar 092011

Emails continue to come in regarding the D188A publication. Some are complaints that text is hacked off, others notifications that the text is *close* to being hacked off. There is clearly some substantial variation from one print to the next. I’ve been informed by someone who’s been down this road before that this is common with print on demand services, and that the stuff on the page can be shifted around by 5mm or more.


This was *not* mentioned in the documentation. Or if it was it was buried in the small print. So, a revised version proof has been mailed to me and should be here within a week. At that time I’ll determine if even *more* tinkering needs to happen, or if I can re-release it. I really hope for the latter, as each proof costs me money… and with less than 20 sold, it only takes a few proofs to wipe out what little profit I’ve made.

Assuming I can get this satisfactorily worked out, I’ll figure out something for those who got screwed  up copies. The best I have at the moment: if your copy has text hacked off, send it to me, and I’ll order a replacement for you. Don’t do this just yet, of course… there are no replacements.


 Posted by at 7:12 pm

  6 Responses to “D188A ARRGH update…”

  1. Is you publisher charging for proofs? If so, I would recommend changing publishers.

    You could always sell the .PDF of the book.

  2. > Is you publisher charging for proofs?

    That’s how MagCloud does it, yes.

    > You could always sell the .PDF of the book.

    I always do. It’s available as two articles in APR.

  3. Perhaps you should try

    Never had any problems with books that I’ve gotten from them.

  4. I agree,someone else that I knew that wrote a few books used
    and seemed to have no problems as far as I know.

  5. Brian Lockett has done a 200 page book on “Balls 8” the NB-52 mothership and it’s available thru lulu. If you’re interested in talking with him about the quality I’ll send you his e-mail. The drawback of that book is that it costs $80

  6. I’ve looked at Lulu. While they provide a number of more options than Magcloud, the vast bulk of them aren’t of any use to me, and the base price for the same size and quality of “magazine” that Magcloud produces is somewhat more expensive (the manufacturing cost, not counting the markup – what I’d jokingly refer to as “profit – for the D188A book via Lulu costs more than the total price at Magcloud). So… I’ll get Magclouds quirks figured out.

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