Feb 192011

So, ok, there’s this movement. “Sovereign citizens” declare themselves to be, essentially, their own country, and their home is their embassy. They are not bound by state and federal laws, and don’t have to pay taxes.

Umm… no.

While on a certain level I sympathize, the concept is fundamentally kinda crazy. Right up front is the fact that if, somehow, you actually were your own separate little nation, you’d have no right to be on the street in front of your house, as that is *American* territory, not yours. You’d be an illegal alien.

And it turns out that if you declare yourself a Sovereign Citizen, sometimes people can take it kinda serious. If you happen to be a cop, those people taking it kinda serious just might be your employers. And by “taking it serious,” I mean “firing your illegal alien ass.”

According to Wiki, there are something like 300,000 “Sovereign Citizens” in the US… one person out of a thousand. As the power of the FedGuv grows unrestrained by rationality, budget considerations or the Constitution, expect this number to only increase as people try any damend thing to get out from under it.

 Posted by at 4:27 pm

  3 Responses to “Sovereign Citizens”

  1. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center there are 300,000. SPLC has ever reason to quote a high number: that makes the idea much more dangerous and therefore more deserving of attack.

    I may be one of the 300,000. I receive a regular e-mail letter from someone who runs a website that promotes the idea.

  2. The SPLC gives me an uncomfortableness. It seems to me that any ideology that’s vaguely right of center, or even centrist, and which features some variation on smaller government is to the SPLC some sort of right-wing racist militia.

  3. http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com/2010/11/wages-of-lies-and-hate-gays-and-lefties.html

    if the previous made you uncomfortable about the SPLC, this will make you more so.

    the money they make and still are a “non-profit” is obscene. yet there is no IRS investigation.

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