Feb 102011

So, MSNBC canned Keith Olbermann, but he managed to find a new job. Turns out Al Gore thinks Keith is just neato-keen, and offered him a job at “Current TV,” his very own network. So Olbermann will be working for Al Gore. One wonders if he’ll get paid in carbon credits.

But there’s an interesting tidbit of data in this article: during prime time, Current TV is on in 18,000 households in the US.  Not eighteen MILLION… eighteen THOUSAND.

I vaguely recall seeing Current on my DirecTV a year-ish ago, but I don’t recall having seen it recently. DirecTV shuffles channels around from time to time, and it may be that it got shuffled off my channel listing. The fact that I didn’t notice it going away says something. The fact that primetime viewership is measurable in *thousands* shouts something rather more.

 Posted by at 10:45 pm

  7 Responses to “That’s a bit of a drop-off”

  1. I’d never even heard of that network before, so popularity can’t be judged by its limited distribution.
    I never liked Olbermann, who impressed me as a loudmouthed buffoon only out to get ratings; the left’s answer to Glenn Beck.
    Liberals looking for the truth instinctively go to Huffington Post, the Thinking Man’s news…what’s little Miss Snowshoe up to now?:
    Yeah, Ill _bet_ she’ll turn over a new leaf!
    When Hell freezes over, and there’s nothing left to steal in the world!

  2. One word: Outstanding.

  3. Hmmm… advertisers want certain demographics when buying commercial time. For instance, Lifetime: Television for Victims promises lots of women are tuning in while ESPN promises men as the audience.

    With eighteen thousand viewers, “Current TV” has got to be promising billionaires….

  4. Too much resistance to Current, it seems……


  5. Jim: Ohm ygod

  6. “Current TV is on in 18,000 households in the US. ”

    Finally, Olbermann finds a slot which offers proper scope for his talents.

  7. Never liked Rachel Maddow either.
    “Hey look… I’m a lesbian!
    That makes me have a far greater insight into things than you ever will have!”
    I keep wondering if she’s faking it…I keep wondering if she sucks cocks by night.

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