Feb 132011

An interesting interview published in the Daily Mail with Al Hallor, assistant San Diego port director, suggests that at least he believes that dirty bombs have been found in the US.

Whether there actually *have* been nuclear WMD’s found in the US or not, the story is now out there. Go forth and meme! Meme like the wind!!!

 Posted by at 7:23 pm

  3 Responses to “Dirty bombs found in the US?”

  1. It would be a very, very, clumsy, complex, and expensive way of attacking the US.
    You would get a lot more “bang for your buck” by using either chemical or biological means of attack than going to all the trouble of making a radiological weapon.
    The biological means of attack would be particularly insidious, as the effects might not become obvious on its victims till several days after exposure.
    I’d go into more detail on this, but I don’t want to be accused of giving anyone ideas.

  2. I disagree. People (thanks in no small part to the KGB, who helped get the western anti-nuclear industry off the ground) freak way the hell out over nuclear risks in a way they don’t about biologicals and chemicals. Set off even the lamest “dirty bomb” that can be realistically called such, and with the expense of perhaps a few sticks of dynamite and a few pounds of radioactive waste – say, powdered lead blocks from some South American medical dump – and you can clear out at *least* several city blocks, for perhaps weeks to months. A chemical attack is over after a good stiff breeze blows through. Bio attacks freak people right the hell out, but thanks to denial, most people are immune to many diseases. But radiation? GASP!!

    And a bio attack that takes several days to make itself apparent loses the impact. A dirty grenade gets on CNN within a few minutes. Have a couple of your Islamobuddies in widely separated cities set off bundles of fireworks a few hours later; without even adding the radioactive waste, people will panic and death and damage *will* ensue.

    A dirty bomb attack is the sort of thing that will get instant press and can be easily copycatted without most of the risk, but with much of the same result, and for dirt cheap.

  3. Give me a day or so, and I’ll send you details on how to do that exactly.. as well as how to incinerate a major city for around one thousand dollars.

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