Feb 052011

OK, the “proof” of the D-188A issue showed up in the mail today. First impressions: it’s a good sized work (it can consider itself a book without shame) and the image quality is pretty good. The photo quality is good, the colors are about right, line drawings are good and crisp. Where it falls down, though, is that the formatting is *way* off. I used the Word doc “blank” that was provided by Magcloud, the same one I used on “Photographing Stuff,” but the margins for the text are well outside the printed region. At least two letters are chopped off the outside. Bah.

So, I gotta fix that…

 Posted by at 12:42 pm

  2 Responses to “D-188A D’oh!”

  1. Yeah noticed that. Do you submit a PDF to MagCloud or the Word doc? If the latter, try creating a PDF of it with the printer marks enabled. That ought to show you if your output is out of alignment.

  2. A PDF is submitted (the only available format). The original was a Word document, using the margins and formats provided in the Magcloud template… but clearly, it was a little off. This has been correct in the next version, which I will upload shortly, after a few more edits.

    Other than that rather glaring flaw… any other comments, good, bad or indifferent?

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